Date of Event: Tuesday 10th June 2025
Time of Event: 09:30 GMT to 17:00 BST
Location of Event: Online via Zoom
Meeting the trauma needs of people detained in secure care is a critical challenge for mental health practitioners, researchers and those providing secure services. Key issues relate to elucidating the impact of trauma, understanding its relationship with pathways to offending and risk, whilst also ensuring the psychological health of the system and its staffing groups. The complexities of supporting trauma focused needs in secure care also reflects complex legal and ethical dilemmas.
The conference is co-sponsored by the Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society and will bring together thought leaders across Europe, the USA and Canada.
Over three symposia and a panel discussion, #TNSC2025 brings together leading clinical practitioners and academic practitioners exploring the relationship between trauma and risk, specialist trauma responsive treatment pathways and trauma paradigms for supporting staff working in secure services.
The Delegate Pack will be available for download a few days before the conference
Dr Lawrence Jones is a Registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, Head of Psychology at Rampton High Secure Hospital and Honorary Associate Professor at Nottingham University.
Dr Jones has worked in community, prison and hospital settings with people who have offended. Former chair of the division of forensic psychology BPS. Published on therapeutic communities, assessment of engagement, formulation, 'personality disorder', offence paralleling behaviour, iatrogenic interventions, trauma interventions, and trauma informed care.
A mental health practitioner of 39 years, David Prescott is the Director of the Safer Society Continuing Education Center. In that capacity he has overseen over 200 webinar interviews and trainings with a combined total of over 57,000 registrations.
Mr. Prescott is the author and editor of 25 books in the areas of understanding and improving services to at-risk clients. Mr. Prescott is best known for his work in the areas of understanding, assessing, and treating sexual violence and trauma, including with adolescents and young adults. Mr. Prescott is the recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Contribution Award from the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA), the 2018 recipient of the National Adolescent Perpetration Network’s C. Henry Kempe Lifetime Achievement award, and the 2022 recipient of the Fay Honey Knopp Award from the New York State Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and New York State ATSA. He also served as ATSA President in 2008-09.
Mr. Prescott currently trains and lectures around the world. His published work has been translated into Japanese, Korean, German, French, Polish, Dutch, and other languages. He has served on the editorial boards of four scholarly journals. He has been the co-author of the monthly NEARI and MASOC newsletters since 2007, which are read by several thousand professionals who work with adolescents who have sexually abused. Since 2011, he has served as Co-Blogger for ATSA’s Sexual Abuse blog, which has been read over 850,000 times and was recently rated among the top blogs in the world on the topic.
Dr. Goldenson is a clinical and forensic psychologist who practices in the criminal and civil arena, and she is also a professor at the University of Toronto. She remains actively engaged in scholarship and publishes in the area of institutional abuse, forensic psychological assessment, trauma and adverse childhood experiences, and intimate partner violence. She is an editor for the journal Psychological Injury and the Law and a member of the Program in Psychiatry in the Law in association with Massachusetts Mental Health Center/Harvard Medical school.
Gillian Sutcliffe is a Chartered and Registered Forensic Psychologist. She has worked for HMPPS since 2001 working in prisons across the UK. She has experience in working with men and women who have entered the criminal justice system, and for the last four years has specialised in understanding the safety needs of women across the Women’s Group. She has a range of experiences in risk assessment, research, consultancy and training across HMPPS. Her passion centres on the development and implementation of evidence based, trauma informed therapy services for women in custody which aim to de-shame, and help improve safety outcomes for them, and the wider public. Gillian is currently pursuing research which explores the impact and influence of hormones on women in custody, to help shape and influence policy. She has published articles on therapeutic interventions in custody, as well as an academic book chapter exploring the nuisance of women convicted of sexual offences. All with the overarching aim to improve outcomes for women in custody and reduce reoffending.
Dr. Frank Ferdik is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN (USA). Dr. Ferdik has been teaching a range of courses in higher education for over ten years, including Introduction to Criminal Justice, Research Methods, Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis, Homeland Security, Terrorism, Policing, and Corrections. With a Master's degree in English, Dr. Ferdik also teaches different Literature classes. To date, he has authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications in top-ranked journals such as Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Criminal Justice, and Crime and Delinquency. Though his research interests are broad, covering the efficacy of veteran treatment courts and public perceptions of the police, his principle research interests involve the health and wellness of custodial populations and correctional officers. Throughout his career, he has successfully secured over $200,000 in extramural and intramural grant funding. Dr. Ferdik has also presented his research at regional, national, and international conference venues, including at the American Society of Criminology, the Asian Criminological Society, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, and the European Society of Criminology. He has also been invited to present his research by the RAND Corporation, and by the National Institute of Justice. In 2017, he was invited to author a white paper on the topic of correctional officer wellbeing for the United States Department of Justice. Dr. Ferdik currently maintains active research partnerships with police and correctional practitioners throughout the United States that he intends to leverage to improve legal system operations.
Professor (Hon.) Dr Geraldine Akerman is a Consultant Forensic Psychologist who has worked in prisons for 26 years, formerly for HMPPS and in recent years for the NHS. Geraldine has published on the topics of forensic psychology, therapeutic communities, sexual offending, compassion-focussed interventions and being trauma-informed. Geraldine is currently editing her third book.
Jon Taylor is a consultant forensic psychologist and psychotherapist who has worked in range of prison, secure hospital and community forensic settings for almost 30 years. With a keen interest in developing a rich understanding of the role of trauma and adversity in the lives of those who develop offending behaviours, Jon is committed to promoting and modelling a compassionate and co-operative approach to all aspects of forensic service provision.
Jon has been an accredited member of the BABCP since 1995, is a trained Compassion Focused Therapist and cofounder of the CFT forensic special interest group.
Dr Deborah Morris (Scientific Committee and Co-Chair) Director, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma, UK Director of Postgraduate programmes in trauma, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Buckingham Deborah is the director for the Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma and the Director of Post graduate programmes in trauma, University of Buckingham.
A Consultant Clinical Psychologist by training, Deborah has worked clinically with adults with complex personality disorder, neurodevelopmental, forensic and mental health needs in the community, assertive outreach, crisis, residential, prison and inpatient settings.
Deborah has previously worked in professional and clinical lead positions and in services to support the mental health and trauma needs of healthcare professionals. Her publications and ongoing research interests include; occupational distress and trauma, treatments for personality disorder, intellectual disabilities, developmental trauma disorders, the intersection between trauma and personality disorder, moral injury, gendered approaches to trauma, adverse childhood experiences, the physical health impact of trauma, and the psychometric properties of psychological tools. In her spare time Deborah indulges her obsessions with Star Wars, scuba diving with sharks and her typically unsuccessful attempts to establish an organic allotment. She is an avid cook and enthusiastically avoids gyms and all forms of organised fitness.
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