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Posted on Oct 26 2022 by Fiona Bailey

Staff at St Andrew’s Healthcare are being reminded to “speak up” and report behaviour which could be impacting patient care.

As part of Speak Up Month, which takes place during October every year, the charity’s CEO Dr Vivienne McVey is urging everyone to report anything they see which does not feel right.  

Vivienne said: “It’s really important we have a really transparent and open culture here at St Andrew’s. We know that sometimes people might feel scared to talk about it when they see things happening that are not right, but we want people to know that it’s ok to speak out.  

“What we’re trying to do is make sure it’s easy for people to speak up if they see things like that happening. I’m really proud of the fact that we have a wide range of Freedom To Speak Guardians across the organisation that people can talk to if they’re concerned about anything.”

Speak Up Month, now in its fifth year, is an opportunity to raise awareness and the difference which Freedom to Speak Up is making.

Laura Donnington, Lead Freedom to Speak Up Guardian at St Andrew’s, explains what happens when someone speaks up. She said: “You will always be thanked for raising your concern. We will always make sure that we provide you with feedback and update you on what has happened as a result of raising your concern and we work hard to protect your confidentiality wherever possible. Most importantly, when you speak up you will be making a massive difference to the care that we provide at St Andrew’s.”

Speaking up enhances everybody’s working lives within healthcare and improves the quality and safety of care. Listening and acting upon matters raised means that Freedom to Speak Up will help organisations become the best place to work.

For more information about the national Speak Up campaign, click here.

For more information about the St Andrew’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, click here.