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Posted on Sep 25 2019 by Bobbie Kelly

Our 2018-2019 Annual Report is now available

St Andrew’s Healthcare has today published its Annual Report for the financial year 2018/19.

If 2017/18 was St Andrew's year of transformation, 2018/19 can be described as a year of consolidation. Katie Fisher, Chief Executive Officer, joined the Charity  in June 2018 and has brought with her a renewed sense of focus on the Charity’s charitable purpose, which is 'to promote the healing of sickness, the relief of suffering and the relief of need of those experiencing mental disorder'. The Charity continues to put patients at the heart of all of its activities. The greater focus on co-production and on measuring and improving outcomes, which is described in more detail in the Annual Report, demonstrates that the focus on strong clinical leadership is having a positive impact.

Each year, the Charity produces an Annual Report that sets out in detail the Charity’s finances, its activities over the previous year and its plans for the following year. For the second year running, the Annual Report has been put together as an interesting and clear read for our most important stakeholders – patients, carers, staff, volunteers, and commissioners.

Claire Carless, the Charity’s General Counsel and Company Secretary, explained: “We have written the report in straightforward language, illustrating the messages with stories and quotes from patients, staff and carers, and using artwork that our patients have produced. The theme of the report is 'hope', which our patients tell us is so important to them. As one of our educators recently said, 'hope is the difference between surviving and living’. Our staff and volunteers strive to make that difference for our patients every day, and the report will give readers a glimpse of what that means in practice and what the power of hope can achieve.”

The Annual Report 2018-2019 can be downloaded hereOur 2018-2019 Financial statements are available here.