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Posted on Mar 18 2020 by Bobbie Kelly

Swallowing Awareness Day: see how our dysphagia chefs make magic in the kitchen

Imagine being unable to eat and drink safely and every time you do have a meal, it causes you to cough or choke. Unfortunately, this can be a reality for many people who suffer from swallowing difficulties, known as dysphagia.

Wednesday 18 March 2020 is Swallowing Awareness Day, which aims to raise awareness of dysphagia and how speech and language therapists support people with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.

If not treated quickly, dysphagia can result in malnutrition, dehydration, weight loss, chest infections and depression. Here at St Andrew's Healthcare we have around 130 patients who need additional support with swallowing, and our Speech and Language team work hard to raise awareness, helping people recognise the symptoms of the condition. The team work closely with our dedicated dysphagia chefs, who prepare food for our patients which is not only easy for them to swallow, but delicious and interesting at the same time.

Watch our video to find out how John, one of our chefs, creates magic in the kitchen...