Portfolio of research

Our staff share their clinical expertise by publishing widely in a range of academic and professional publications and by presenting their work to their peers at conferences and events.

To view a list of our publications:

From April 2022 to March 2023 please click here

From April 2023 to March 2024 please click here

Our most recent publications are listed below by year published.

Published research

Published Research - 2025

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Kamath, S., Worsfold, J.J. & Dean, W. (2025) Looking beyond the frontline: Senior healthcare leaders' personal, professional and psychological experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK International Journal of Workplace Health Management, March 2025

Stewart, I., Gray, E. & Livanou, M (2025) How do we co-produce care planning with people living with Dementia: A Scoping Review International Journal of Nursing Studies, Volume 136. Online 19 January 2025

Trundle, G., Alexander, Z. & Chester, V. (2025) Put autistic women and girls at the heart: exploring the experiences of autistic women during diagnostic assessments in the UK Advances in Autism, February 2025

Published Research - 2024

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Dean, W., Morris, D.J., Llorca, P-M., Talbot, S.G., Fond, G., Duclos, A. & Boyer, L. (2024) Moral Injury and the Global Health Workforce Crisis — Insights from an International Partnership. The New England Journal of Medicine, 391, 9, 782-785, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2402833

Dean, W., Morris, D.J., Manzur, M. & Talbot, S.G. (2024) Moral Injury in Health Care: A Unified Definition and its Relationship to Burnout Federal Practitioner. 2024;41(4). Published online April 15

Dillon, E., Swain, E., Peasnell, N., Garner, R. & Alexander, T.(2024) ASPIRE: a beacon of innovation. British Journal of Nursing, Vol 33, No4

Dolley-Lesciks, O., Rose, J., Jones, C. & Long, C. (2024) Compassion Fatigue among Staff in a Medium Secure Psychiatric Setting: Individual and Environmental Factors. Book Chapter: "Through Your Eyes- Research and New Perspectives on Empathy, Ed. Dr Sara Ventura. Chapter 9:pg 133-146

Fatima, S., Brenisin, K., Doyle, I., Gathii, E. & Breen, K. (2024) Collaborative care for mental health of children and young people: a qualitative study of the experiences of mental health professionals International Journal of Health Governance 29 (2), 149-161.

Gardiner, P., Hartescu, I., Breen, K.C. & Kinnafick, F.E. (2024) Sleep quality in secure psychiatric healthcare: inpatient and staff perspectives. Sleep Medicine, 124 (2024) 453-461

Gardiner, P., Kinnafick, F., Breen, K. & Hartescu, I. (2024) Physical activity as a Tool to Improve Sleep Quality for Secure Psychiatric Inpatients: A Pilot Feasibility Study Sleep, Vol.47, Issue Supplement, May 2024

Girardi, A., Higham, L., Fatima, S., Webb, E., Snyman, P., Wallang, P. & Breen, K.C. (2024) Virtual reality and social avoidance: an exploratory study of acceptance, and feasibility in an inpatient environment. Mental Health and Digital Technologies, Vol.1, pp.141-159

Lee, G. & Gibbs, D. (2024) Involvement of experts by experience in UK clinical psychology training: A post-Covid update. Clinical Psychology Forum 380:12-18

Lloyd, A., Lloyd Davies, J., Semmens-Wheeler, R., Isa Alfaraj, A., Gonzalez Naranjo, D. & Breen, K. (2024) Staff's understanding of the role of least restrictive practice in the development of obesity in secure psychiatric inpatients. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice. ISSN: 1755-6228. 10 October 2024

Momi, G. (2024) PEG feeding and positive progress in rehab. BABICM (British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management) Members Magazine, June 2024, Issue 02

Morris, D. (2024) Guest editorial: Rising to the challenge: meeting the trauma needs of autistic people. Advances in Autism, Vol 10 No. 3,pp.101-103

Morris, D.J., Dean, W., Webb, E.L., Wainwright, J., Hampden, r. & Talbot, S. (2024) Guidance for creating morally healthy organizations that remediate the experience of moral injury in healthcare: Findings from an International e-Delphi study Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, December 12 2024

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Umpunjun, P., Fox, E., Dickens, A., Leson, A., Sadler, E., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., Taylor, V., McAllister, P. & Karatzias, T. (2024) The critical role of affect regulation accounting for increased general distress, risk to self, and lower quality of life in females with EUPD and CPTSD, compared to EUPD alone. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation. Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2024

Prilla, S., Groeneveld, S., Pacurariu, P., Restrepo-Mendez, M.C., Verpillat, P., Torre, C., Gartner, C., Mol, P.G.M., Naumann-Winter, F., Breen, K.C., Gault, N., Gross-Martirosyan, L., Benchetrit, S., Aylward, B., Stoyanova-Beninska, V., O'Donovan, M., Straus, S., Kjaer, J. & Arlett, P. (2024) Real-World Evidence to Support EU Regulatory Decision Making-Results From a Pilot of Regulatory Use Cases Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, July 4. doi: 10.1002/cpt.3355. Online ahead of print.

Shah, P., Khongsueb, K., Gathii, E. & Breen, K. (2024) Feasibility study: the use of the Edmonton frail scale in a psychiatric inpatient facility Age and Ageing, Volume 53, Issue Supplement_3, August 2024

Taylor, J., & Hocken, K. (2024) Illuminating the dark side: Life story and formulation work to understand criminogenic capacities and human harmfulness Abuse: An international Impact Journal. Vol 5, 1

Umpunjun, P., Webb, E.L., & Morris, D.L. (2024) Prevalence of types of adverse childhood experiences in incarcerated males: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-29

Webb, E.L., Ireland, J.L. & Lewis, M. (2024) Defining and identifying potentially morally injurious experiences for secure mental healthcare workers: A Delphi study Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice. December 26 2024

Webb, E.L., Lupatelli Gencarelli, B., Keaveney, G., & Morris, D.J. (2024) Is trauma research neglecting neurodiverse populations? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of ACEs in adults with autistic traits Advances in Autism. 24 April 2024

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Khan, M., & Al-Refai, N. (2024) Sources of Distress for Secure Mental Healthcare Staff: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Impact of Personal and Occupational Problems on Psychological Wellbeing and Functioning Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 11 Nov 2024

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Lupatelli Gencarelli, B., & Worsfold, J. (2024) The differential and accumulative impacts of self and other sources of moral injury on well-being in mental healthcare staff International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 26 April 2024

Conference Presentations and Posters

Breen, K. (2024) The opportunities and challenges for the use of patient registries to understand disease epidemiology and treatment [oral presentation]. Joint HMA/EMA multi-stakeholder workshop on patient registries. Amsterdam, 13-14 February 2024

Breen, K. (2024) Advanced therapies - current regulatory issues and future developments [oral presentation]. 8th International Immunotherapy Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Convention, Beijing, China, August 6

Breen, K. (2024) The role of patients in the development of advanced therapies [oral presentation]. European Medicines Agency Symposium on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products - "Contribution, evolution, revolution". Amsterdam, Oct 6

Breen, K. (2024) Guidelines for investigational ATMPs in clinical trials [oral presentation]. 31st Annual European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy Congress. Rome, 22-25 October 

Breen, K. (2024) The Landscape for ATMPs in Europe 15 years after coming into force of the ATMP Regulation [oral presentation]. "Translating Innovation to access for ATMPs". 3rd EU-Innovation Network multi-stakeholder meeting, Rome, 15 November

Breen, K. (2024) The use of Artificial Intelligence in therapy development [oral presentation].Hungarian Medicines Agency Workshop on Novel Therapeutic Developments, Budapest 19-20 November 2024 

Morris, D.J. (2024) The intersection of personality disorder and complex trauma: Evidence, clinical guidance and dilemmas [oral presentation] 5th International Trauma Informed Care Conference, CDT Section BPD & CDCT

Morris, D.J., & Karatzias, T. (2024) Working with overlapping ICD-11 CPSTD and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder presentations. [oral presentation]. 7th Congress of the European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (ESSPD) 
Antwerp, September 2024

Gardiner, P., Kinnafick, F., Breen, K. & Hartescu, I. (2024) Physical Activity as a tool to improve sleep quality for secure psychiatric inpatients: A pilot feasibility study [poster presentation]. SLEEP 2024, 38th Annual Meeting for the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), Houston, Texas, USA, June 1-5

Shah, P., Khongsueb, K., Gathii, E. & Breen, K. (2024) Feasibility Study: The use of the Edmonton Frail Scale in a Psychiatric Inpatient Facility [oral presentation] Northern Ireland and Royal College of Psychiatrists Old Age Faculty Joint Meeting British Geriatrics Society, March 2024, Belfast


1st International Meeting trauma needs in secure settings Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, March 2024 UK

Morris, D., Hamilton, A., Webb, E. L. & Baker, K. (2024) International consensus guidance for meeting the trauma needs of deaf people [oral presentation]

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L. (2024) Direct and Secondary Trauma: Re-thinking Frameworks of Occupational Distress [oral presentation]

Webb, E. L., Baker, K., Morris, D., Nawab. Z., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., Worsfold, J. & Hamilton, A. (2024) Leaving the past behind, Exploring the adverse childhood experiences of males detained to a secure specialist deaf inpatient mental health service [oral presentation]

Webb, E. L., & Morris D. (2024) Attitudes towards disclosure of childhood trauma in males with forensic and mental health needs: Part one of a multi-phase investigation [oral presentation]


Division of Forensic Psychology Conference, British Psychological Society, Cardiff, July [symposium presentation]

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E. L. (2024) "It's not trauma, it's karma": Clinician perceptions and clinical practice in assessing PTSD arising from own actions.

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Taylor, V. & McGrath, E. (2024) Comorbid trauma driven pathologies and their relationship to risk to self and others.

Webb, E.L., Umpunjun, P. & Morris, D.J. (2024) Trauma in male prison populations: Are we asking the right questions? 

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Hamilton, A. & Baker, K. (2024) The relationship between risk and trauma: Does measuring trauma inflate risk? 


4th International Occupational Distress and Moral Injury Conference: Restoration, Recovery and Repair, BPS, CDCT, UK, October 2024

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L. (2024) Re-thinking systems of support in healthcare: What do staff groups really need? [oral paper]

Dean, W., McVey, V., Carter, S., Abbas, K. & Murray, E. (2024) Facilitators and Barriers to leaders engaging in ethical behaviour [invited oral panel discussion]



Published Research - 2023

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Anthony, J., Papathomas, A., Annandale, A., Breen, K. & Kinnafick, F-E. (2023) Experiences of physical activity for adolescents in secure psychiatric care: Staff and patient perspectives Mental Health and Physical Activity, 03 Feb 2023

Baker, F.R.L., Baker, K.L. & Burrell, J. (2023) Applying a psychologically informed approach to resilience in health and social care organisations Chapter 7 in "Resilience in Modern Day Organizations", Edited by, Ritsa S.J. Fotinatos-Ventouratos, Cary L. Cooper, Alexander-Stamatios G. Antoniou

Bayo-Idowu, E., Fatima, S., Brenisin, K., Trumm, A., Wallang, P. & Breen, K. (2023) Staff perceptions of patient inequalities in a UK secure mental healthcare setting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol.42 No.8, pp.1051-1068 

Brenisin, K., Padilla, S. & Breen, K. (2023) "It's the discharge and what comes after that" - a phenomenological analysis of peer support workers' lived experiences of transitioning from psychiatric care The Journal of Forensic Practice, Volume 25 Issue 2, 6 March 2023

Chadwick, P., Trainor, E., Marsden, G.L., Mills, S., Chadwick, C., O'Brien, S.J., Evans, C.M., Mullender, C., Strazds, P., Turner, S., Tolman, M.S., de Barros, C., Kontkowski, G. & Bak, A. (2022) Guidelines for the management of norovirus outbreaks in acute community health and social care settings The Journal of Hospital Infection. February 14, 2023

Collinson-Ani, E., Faher, A., Au, M. & Burrah, G. (2023) Cariprazine for treating coprophagia and organic psychosis in a young woman with acquired brain injury BMJ Case Reports, Volume 16, Issue 1, January 2023

Fedosejevs, V., Shi, J. & Hopfenbeck, M.S. (2023) Development of the peer-supported open dialogue attitude and competence inventory for practitioners: a Delphi study Frontiers in Psychology 2023; 14; 1059103

Girardi, A., Webb, E., Stewart, I., Stokes, S. & Breen, K (2023) Co-production in clinical practice: A case-study of engagement with patients with dementia and Huntington's disease to develop meaningful cognitive activities Journal of Enabling Technologies, 17(2), 54-66 

Keel, T., Machaczek, K., King, J.A., Breen, K., Stubbs, B. & Kinnafick, F. (2023) Physical activity interventions for inpatients in secure mental health settings: what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why? A protocol for a realist synthesis BMJ Open Volume 12, Issue 10

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Worsfold, J. & Greenwood, A. (2023) Exploring the psychological and wellbeing needs of staff accessing trauma support in forensic mental health services in the UK: Relations with demographic, occupational and trauma event characteristics International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Published online:05 July 2023

Owczarek, M., Karatzias., McElroy, E., Hyland, P., CLoitre, M., Kratzer, L., Knefel, M., Grandison, G., Ho, G.W.K., Morris, D. and Shevlin, M. (2022) Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD): A network analysis in a highly traumatised clinical sample  Journal of Personality Disorders, Vol.37,No.1

Patel, B (2023) Nutritionally supporting patients in a mental health setting: the role and experiences of a dietician. Complete Nutrition, Vol.23. No.3. May 2023

Patel, B (2023) Nutrition Screening in Practice. Complete Nutrition, Vol.23. No.7. October 2023

Pitman, A., Lowther, M., Pike, A., Davies, J., De Cates, A., Buckman, J.E.J. &Robinson, O. (2023) The influence of peer non-suicidal self-harm on young adults' urges to self-harm: experimental study Acta Neuropsychiatrica, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.51 

Radley, J (2023) Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches within Forensic Settings. Book Chapter in Forensic Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Clinician's Guide. Edited by Jane M. McCarthy, Regi T. Alexander and Eddie Chaplin. 

Shaddel, F. & Mayes, D. (2023) Considering capacity to use sex toys in secure care: two case reports. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. 2023 Jan;27(1):37-41

Skelhorn, E., Girardi, A. & Cooper-Evans, S. (2023) A feasibility study to identify the presence of autism specific risk factors in secure services using an autism specific framework Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour. June 2023

Steen, S., Morris, D.J., Law, G.U., Fogarty, l. & Fox, C (2023) Assessing moral injury and its clinical associations in a UK secure care population Traumatology.

Swain, E (2023) Mental Health and learning disability nurse programme gives healthcare assistants training opportunities they 'never thought possible'. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants Vol.17, No.11. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjha.2023.17.11.436 

Taylor, D., Cahill. C., Wallang, P., Millard, L., Ramudo Cela, L. & Breen, K. (2023) Predicting clozapine does required to achieve a therapeutic plasma concentration - A comparison of a population algorithm and three algorithms based on gene variant models Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1-10, September 12 2023

Trumm, A., Lau, E.J. S., Farthing, S. & Breen, K (2023) The use of video remote interpreting (VRI) in a medium secure psychiatric setting during the COVID-19 lockdown The Journal of Forensic Practice 25(3) 263-275

Webb, E.L., Baker, K., Morris, D., Nawab, Z., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., Worsfold, J. & Hamilton, S (2023) Leaving the past behind: Exploring the adverse childhood experiences of males detained to a secure specialist deaf inpatient mental health service Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. Published online: 24 Aug 2023

Webb, E.L., Ireland, J.L. & Morris, D. (2023) Potential sources of moral injury for healthcare workers in forensic and psychiatric settings: A systematic review and meta-ethnography Trauma, Violence & Abuse, online April 21 2023

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Sadler, E., Macmillan, S., Trowell, S. & Legister, A. (2023) Predictors of moral injury in secure mental healthcare workers: Examining a role for violence and restrictive practices through an intersectional lens Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 04 Jan 2023


Conference Presentations and Posters

Breen, K (2023) The role of patients in the research process - the importance of co-production. TOPRA, The Human Medicines Symposium, Lisbon, October 2023 [oral presentation]

Breen, K (2023) Genome editing in medicine development. Fifth Annual INNO meeting, Lakemedelsverket, Sigtuna, Sweden, November 2023 [oral presentation]

D Morris (2023) What role does moral injury play in accounting for occupational distress in mental healthcare workers? Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology Section, BPS 10-Year Anniversary Conference. Future Directions in Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology. 21 April 2023, London

Morris, D.J., Dean, W., Webb, E.L., Talbot, S., Marcussen, V., Pinto, R., & Hampden, R. (2023) Developing guidance for defining and describing organisations that manage, mitigate and prevent moral injury in the workforce: Initial findings from a Delphi study. 3rd International Moral Injury in Occupational Settings Conference, Moral Injury of Healthcare (US), Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma, and Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, UK. May 2023

Comprehensive Moral Injury Conference, June 2023, Peachtree City, Georgia, USA

Webb, E.L. & Morris, D.J. (2023) Beyond the battlefield: Sources of moral injury and systematic solutions in healthcare. Symposia

Webb, E.L. & Morris, D.J. (2023) Foci of responsibility: Exploring the differential prevalence and impact of moral transgressions by the self and others. [oral presentation]

Webb, E.L. & Morris, D.L. (2023) Potential sources of moral injury for frontline secure mental healthcare workers: A multi-system perspective. [oral presentation]

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L (2023) On the outside, looking in: The potentially morally injurious experiences of healthcare leadership personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. [oral presentation]

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L (2023) To the core: Transcontextual systemic interventions for the prevention and management of occupational moral injury. [oral presentation]

Division of Forensic Psychology Conference 2023, British Psychological Society, Belfast, November 2023

Full presentation of all the below oral papers can be found here

Webb, E.L., & Morris, D.J. (2023) Disclosing childhood trauma: Attitudes and experiences of males who have disclosed to a professional: A pilot study and work in progress. [oral paper]

Yemane, F., Fox, A. & Morris, D.J. (2023) Black men speak: Making sense of trust before admission into a secure mental health service [oral paper]

Childs, L., Webb, E.L., Worsfold, J. & Morris, D.J. (2023) Traumatic brain injury screening in male forensic services: Results of a service development initiative. [oral paper]

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L. (2023) Paradigms and sources of distress in male healthcare workers: Understanding trauma through a gendered lens. [oral paper]

Morris, D.J., Dean, W., Webb, E.L., Wainwright, J., Hampden, R., Marcussen, V. & Pinto, R. (2023) Developing guidance for defining and describing organisations that manage, mitigate and prevent moral injury in the workforce: A Delphi study. [conference poster]

4th International Trauma Informed Care Conference: Disentangling the relationship between Complex PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, UK, November 2023

Fox, E (2023) Labels Matter

Mahoney, S., Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L (2023) Elevated Distress and Risk, with Reduced Quality of Life in Women with Comorbid Complex PTSD and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

McGrath, E., Taylor, V., Webb, E.L. & Morris, D.J.(2023) Examining the impact of Comorbid Complex PTSD and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder on risk incidents within a female inpatient DBT service.

Morris, D.J. (2023) Working with the intersection of trauma and personality needs: Reformulating approaches to HCP needs, disconnects and reconnects.

Swales, M, Karatzias, T, Fox, E, Gibbs, D. & Morris, D.J. (2023) Round table discussion: The relationship between complex PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder...the way forward?


Published Research - 2022

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Anthony, J., Johnson, W., Papathomas, A., Breen, K. and Kinnafick, F-E. (2022) Differences in body mass index trajectories of adolescent psychiatric inpatients by sex, age, diagnosis and medication: an exploratory longitudinal, mixed effects analysis Child and Adolescent Mental Health, July 2022

Brenisin, K., Trumm, A., Akinwande, E. and Breen, K (2022) The experience of inequality and its impact on mental illness - thematic analysis of patients' lived experiences admitted to secure mental health hospital. The Journal of Forensic Practice. Vol.24 No.3, pp 270-286, May 2022.

Campbell, L (2022) Journey to the Forensic Clinical Psychology Doctorate BPS Forensic Update. No.142, October 2022

Celentano, L., Brenisin, K. and Breen, K.C. (2022) A New Era in Psychiatry: The impacts of COVID-19 and the shift to telepsychiatry on clinical practice and clinician wellbeing. Journal of Enabling Technologies, Vol.16 No. 4, pp. 280-289

Crawford, M.J., Leeson, V.C., Evans, R., Barrett, B., McQuaid, A., Cheshire, J., Sanatinia, R., Lamph, G., Sen, P., Anagnostakis, K., Millard, L., Qurashi, I., Larkin, F., Husain, N., Moran, P., Barnes, T.R.E., Paton, C., Hoare, Z., Picchioni, M. and Gibbon, S. (2022) The clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of clozapine for inpatients with severe borderline personality disorder (CALMED study): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, April 2022.

Gardiner, P.M., Kinnafick, F-E., Breen, K.C., Girardi, A. & Hartescu, I. (2022) Behavioural, medical & environmental interventions to improve sleep quality for mental health inpatients in secure settings: a systematic review & meta-analysis. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, August 2022.

Hartescu, I., Gardiner, P.M., Girardi, A., Breen, K., Roychowdhury, A., Wallang, P. and Morgan, K (2022)Sleep quality and adverse incidents in secure mental health settings. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, May 2022.

Lewis, A., Conway, J., Middleton, J., Startup, C. and Wyatt, J. (2022) Playing the harmonica with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A qualitative study. Chronic Respiratory Disease, Vol 19 1-9.

Morris, D.J. & Webb, E.L (2022) Social Identity Theories. Book Chapter in Social Psychology in Forensic Practice, Edited by J Harvey and D Ambrose. Published December 21, 2022 by Routledge

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Trundle, G. and Caetano, G. (2022) Moral injury in secure mental healthcare: part I: exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Moral Injury Events Scale. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. Online 9 August 2022

Morris. D.J., Webb, E.L. and Devlin, P. (2022) Moral injury in secure mental healthcare part II: experiences of potentially morally injurious events and their relationship to wellbeing in health professionals in secure services. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. Online 9 August 2022

Naughton-Doe, R., Moran, N., Wakeman, E., Wilberforce, M., Bennett, L. and Webber, M. (2022) Interventions that support unpaid carers of adult mental health inpatients: a scoping review Journal of Mental Health. May 2022

Newman, C. (2022) Tackling occupational deprivation during a pandemic. OT News, May 2022.

Pakravan, A., Ghazirad, M. and Shaddel, F (2022) Development of the learning disability physical activity questionnaire (LDPAQ) Tizard Learning Disability Review, June 2022

Rato, M., Kirkland, J. and Kingston, A (2022) Palliative care in non-malignant disease Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mpmed.2022.09.007, November 2022

Reavey, P., Brown, S.D., Ravenhill, J.P., Boden-Stuart, Z. and Ciarlo, D. (2022) Choreographics of sexual safety and liminality: Forensic mental health and the limits of recovery. SSM - Mental Health, March 2022.

Shaddel, F. (2022) Beyond “Evidence-Based Medicine” in “Detained Patients" BJPsych Open, June 2022

Trundle, G., Jones, K.A., Ropar, D. and Egan, V. (2022) Prevalence of Victimisation in Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 2022, Vol. 0 (0) 1-15.

Trundle, G., Jones, K.A., Ropar, D. and Egan, V. (2022) The forensic implications of camouflaging: a study into victimisation and offending associated with autism and pathological demand avoidance, Advances in Autism

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Watson, E., Fox, E., Sibley, V. and Taylor, V (2022) Which complex PTSD symptoms predict functional impairment in females with comorbid personality disorder needs? Research and treatment implications. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, Vol 6, Issue 4, November 2022

Webb, E.L., Girardi, A., Fox, E. and Wallang, P. (2022) An evaluation of value-based outcomes for women admitted to a dialectical behavioural therapy integrated practice unit: A follow-up study Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, October, pp.1-6


Conference Presentations and Posters


2nd International Moral Injury in Occupational Settings Conference, BPS. St Andrew's Healthcare, March 2022 - Oral papers:

Webb, E.L., Ireland, J.L., Lewis, M. and Morris, D.J. (2022) Sources of moral injury in secure psychiatric healthcare: A meta-ethnography.

Steen, S (2022) The Prevalence of Moral Injury and its Clinical Association in a UK secure care population: Interim results.


16th World Sleep Congress, Rome, Italy, March 2022

Gardner, P.M., Kinnafick, F-E., Breen, K.C., Girardi, A. & Hartescu, I (2022). Interventions to improve sleep quality for mental health inpatients in secure settings: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Poster. 16th World Sleep Congress, Rome, Italy, March 2022.


International Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Berlin, Germany, June 2022

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Fox, E. and Steen, S. (2022) Extending the trauma lens in Forensic Mental Health Services. Symposia.

Morris, D.J. and Webb, E.L. (2022) Reconsidering frameworks for trauma in healthcare professionals: The impact of exposure to violence and restrictive practices: theoretical and support implications. Oral Paper. 

Morris D.J., Webb, E.L., Umpunjun, P., Fox, E. and Beber, E. (2022) Addressing the trauma in the room: The differential trauma needs of women with co morbid EUPD and Complex PTSD in secure services. Oral Paper.

Steen, S., Morris, D.J., Hamilton, A. and Law, G. (2022) The Prevalence and Clinical Impact of Moral Injury in UK Secure Care Settings. Oral Paper.

Webb, E. and Morris D.J. (2022) Re-traumatisation: The impacts of placement breakdowns in care for adolescents with developmental disorders. Oral Paper.

Umpunjun, P. Webb, E.L. and Morris, D. (2022) Prevalence of Exposure to Trauma in male prisoners. A Systematic review and Meta Analysis. Poster.

Webb, E.L. and Morris, D.J. (2022) What are we really measuring with HoNOS in forensic settings? Exploring its structure through confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. Poster.

Webb, E.L., Ireland, J.L., Lewis, M. and Morris, D.J. (2022) When you can't let your conscience be your guide: A Delphi study of morally injurious experiences in forensic mental healthcare. Poster.

Webb, E.L., Ireland, J.L., Lewis, M. and Morris, D.J. (2022) Potential sources of moral injury for healthcare staff in forensic and psychiatric settings: A systematic literature review and meta-ethnography. Poster.


Patient Safety Network meeting of the East Midlands Health Sciences Network, June 2022

Coxell, A & McAtamney, K. (2022) An analysis of incidents involving both 'Leave not as planned' and non-suicidal self-injury and suicide

Coxell, A & McAtamney, K. (2022) Review of Research on 'Leave Not as Planned' (Late-return, Abscond, Escape).

Coxell, A & McAtamney, K. (2022) Expert by experience evaluation of proposed procedures for reduction of risk to self when on unplanned leave.


2nd International Trauma and Mental Health Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, September 2022

Morris, D.J. and Webb, E.L. (2022) Trauma and wellbeing profiles of healthcare professionals in psychiatric services in the UK: Implications and recommendations. Oral Paper. 

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J. and Fox, E. (2022) Elevated distress and risk, and reduced quality of life in women with comorbid Complex PTSD and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. Poster.


Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP), British Psychological Society, Annual Conference, Oct 2022

Morris, D.J. and Webb, E.L. (2022) Exploring inpatient admissions and clinical needs through an intersectional lens: The differential experiences of gendered ethnic groups, [oral presentation], Division of Clinical Society, British Psychological Society, Annual Conference, UK, Oct.


Austin Riggs & Erik Eriksen Annual Fall Conference, Massachusetts, USA, Oct 2022

Morris, D.J. (2022) Moral Injury in Healthcare: A focus on mental health services [oral presentation], Austin Riggs & Erik Eriksen Annual Fall Conference, Massachusetts, USA, October 2022


The 16th UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 8-9 November 2022

Loxley, G., Harding, V., Stewart, I., Beckles, K., Harris, G-M., Tinkler, C., & Mehta, S. (2022). The use of Person-centred Reminiscence Orientation and Sensory Experience (PROSE) as a therapeutic intervention for older adults living in an inpatient neuropsychiatric setting. Poster presented at the 16th UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 8-9 November 2022

Loxley, G., Stewart., I., Harding, V., Beckles, K., Harris, G-M., Mehta, S., Tinkler, C., & Groucott, L. (2022). Group reading sessions as a therapeutic intervention for inpatients living with dementia. Poster presented at the 16th UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 8-9 November 2022

Loxley, G., Stewart, I., Harding, V., Beckles, K., & Keavney, G. (2022). The use of Life Story Books as a narrative intervention for patients living with dementia and Huntington’s disease in an inpatient neuropsychiatric setting. Poster presented at the 16th UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 8-9 November 2022

Mehta, S., Tinkler, C., Beckles, K., Loxley, G., Stewart, I., & Harding, V. (2022). Cognitive Stimulation Therapy in a locked inpatient setting for individuals with progressive neurological conditions. Poster presented at the 16th UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 8-9 November 2022


3rd International Conference Trauma Informed Care in Practice. Trauma Frameworks: Evidence base and treatments. Crisis, disaster and trauma psychology section of the British Psychological Society (BPS), November 2022

Taylor, V., Campbell, L., Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Loxley, G., Mitchell, T., Reynolds, K., Holmes, J. & Lupattelli Gencarelli, B. (2022). International trauma questionnaire (ITQ) and impact on service delivery: the first 18 months. Poster from the Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma Centre.

Webb, E.L., Worsfold, J., Morris, D.J. & Greenwood, A. (2022). The psychological impact of traumatic incidents in mental health worker. Levels of shame and guilt in referrals to a staff trauma support service. Poster.


Trauma and Neurodiverse Populations: Evidence and Innovations, RADiANT network and CDCT Conference, December 2022

Morris, D.J. & Trundle, G. (2022). Trauma exposure: Frameworks, limitations and expansion. [Oral paper] Trauma and Neurodiverse Populations: Evidence and Innovations, RADiANT network and CDCT conference, December 2022




Published Research - 2021

Baker, F.R.L, Baker, K.L. and Burrell, J. (2021) Introducing the skills-based model of personal resilience: drawing on content and process factors to build resilience in the workplace. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Volume 94, Issue 2, June 2021

Baker, K.L. & Redfern. P. (2021) Depression and Anxiety in sign language users. An Introductory Guide for Professionals working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients in Clinical, Legal, Educational and Social Care Settings Edited by Dr Sally Austen and Dr Ben Holmes. July 2021. Book Chapter (F1)

Bell, D. and Hallett, N. (2021) Role of occupational therapy in reducing and managing violence among mental health inpatients: a scoping review protocol BMJ Open, Volume 11, Issue 7

Brenisin, K., Trumm, A., Akinwande, E. and Breen, K. (2021) The impact of inequality on mental illness: thematic analysis on clinical notes The Journal of Forensic Practice, September 2021

Brooker, C., Tocque, K., West, G., Norman-Taylor, A. and Fowler, J. (2021) Suicide in probation: Towards the ideation-to-action model. Probation Journal. October 2021

de Girolamo, G., Iozzino, L., Ferrari, C., Gosek, P., Heitzman, J., Salize, H.J., Wancata, J., Picchioni, M. and Macis.A (2021) A multinational case-control study comparing forensic and non-forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: the EU-VIORMED project Psychological Medicine 1-11

Dein, K., Hassiotis, A., Woodbury-Smith, M., Roychowdhury, A., Squires, R. and Freestone, M. (2021) Prevalence of autism within medium secure units: a feasibility study The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, June 2021

Evans, P. (2021) Can the impact of faith and spirituality be measured? Thresholds, July 2021, published by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. BACP 2021©

Girardi, A, Webb, E.L. and Roychowdhury, A. (2021) Assessing the risk of self-harm: the impact of safety interventions on the predictive validity of risk assessment in secure care. Journal of Forensic Practice

Greenwood, K. (2021) Finding Paul: Dramatherapy with a man whose denial rendered him "stuck" in the Criminal Justice System. Chapter in: Art Therapies and Sexual Offending, Editors: Simon Hastilow & Marian Liebmann

Higham, L., Girardi, A. and Edwards, H. (2021) Clinical and criminal profile of internet offenders with ASD. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour

Jefferies, L (2021) Seclusion: The end of the road for occupational therapy or a new route with the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability? In: Sherwood, W (2021) Perspectives on the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability: Practice, theory and philosophy. 1st Edition. International Creative Ability Network. P272-283

Little, R., Ford, P. and Girardi, A. (2021) Online self-radicalization: a case study of cognitive vulnerabilities for radicalization to extremism and single actor terrorism. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, Vol. ahead-of print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIDOB-03-2021-0006

Livanou, M. and Lane, R. (2021)Assessing the Feasibility of a Multicenter Transition Intervention Model across Adolescent Secure Services in England (MOVING FORWARD): Protocol for a Feasibility Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial  JMR Research Protocols. Vol.10, Issue 10

Morris, D. (2021)"Guest editorial"Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, Vol.15 No 5, pp.153-157.

Morris, D.J., Gibb, D. and Wallang P. (2021) Are racial inequalities in the application of Mental Health Law a source of Moral Injury? Conference paper in Working in Moral Injury in Healthcare settings, 9 Feb, Northampton

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L. (2021) Understanding multiple inequalities and trauma needs through a gendered lens: The case for inclusive gendered approaches to trauma-informed care. The knot: An essay collection on the interconnectedness of poverty, trauma, and multiple disadvantage. Edited by Revolving Doors Agency

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Foster-Davies, L., Wallang, P.M., Gibbs, D., McAllister, P. and Shaddel, F. (2021) Ethnic disparity in mental health legislation at the point of inpatient entry: pilot review in detained adolescents with developmental disorders. The Journal of Forensic Practice 

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Greenwood, A., Steen, S. and Ma, K. (2021) Gendered pathways to moral injury in mental health practitioners: Practice and support implications. Oral paper at the Comprehensive Moral Injury Conference, Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, USA, Seattle. June 2021

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.J., Fox, E., Holmes, J., Reynolds, K., Head, M., Lunn, A., Canterbury, R., McAllister, P., Dionelis, K. and Kamath, S. (2021) Examining the prevalence of complex PTSD in an inpatient DBT unit for females with a primary diagnosis of EUPD. Abuse Vol 2, 2

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Fox, E. and Sibley, V. (2021) Which complex PTSD symptoms predict functional impairment in females with comorbid EUPD? Poster, Trauma and Complex PTSD lecture series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. March 2021

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L. and Greenwood, A. (2021) Trauma Informed Care for Healthcare Professionals: Features, risk factors and intervention approaches for secondary trauma. Oral paper at the Trauma and Complex PTSD lecture series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. March 2021

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Stewart, I., Galsworthy, J. and Wallang, P. (2021) Comparing co-production approaches to dynamic risk assessments in a forensic intellectual disability population: outcomes of a clinical pilot. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, online January 4 2021

Ramluggan, P. & Small, M. (2021) Understanding digital self-harm and its implications for mental health practice Mental Health Practice, October 2021

Reynolds, K., Holmes, J., Morris, D. & Fox, E. (2021). Service user and staff perspectives of the implementation of a trauma-informed assessment in an Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder inpatient population. Clinical Psychology Forum, British Psychological Society, Vol.347, p.30-35

Rhys-Jones, S. & Baker, K.L. (2021) Deaf and Hard of Hearing people with intellectual disabilities. An Introductory Guide for Professionals working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients in Clinical, Legal, Educational and Social Care Settings. Edited by Dr Sally Austen and Dr Ben Holmes. July 2021. Book Chapter (E3)

Rogers, K & Baker, K.L. (2021) Using standardised assessment measures with deaf people. An Introductory Guide for Professionals working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients in Clinical, Legal, Educational and Social Care Settings. Edited by Dr Sally Austen and Dr Ben Homes, July 2021. Book Chapter (G7)

Roscoe, K., Merdian, H., Baker, K., Gresswell, D.M., Braham, L. & Berry, M. (2021) Assessing Cognitive Ability and Adaptive Behaviour with Culturally Deaf Adults: A Review Clinical Psychology Forum, No.348, December 2021

Trumm, A., Brenisin, K. and Breen, K. (2021) Inequalities in women's medium or low secure mental health settings: a scoping review. The Journal of Forensic Practice, September 2021

Wakeman, E. & Moran. N. (2021) The Missing Voices: Carers' experiences of Section 17 Leave (Mental Health Act 1983) in England Practice, Social Work in Action, May 2021.

Watson, E. and Rowles, S. (2021) Patient experiences of the pandemic: exploring the effect of COVID-19 on patients detained under the Mental Health Act BJPsych Open. doi:10.1192/bjo.2021.793

Webb, E.L., Fox, E., Sibley, V. and Morris, D.J. (2021) Compulsory Care Orders are a red flag for higher levels of adversity and risk in obesity in developmental disorder. Poster, Trauma and Complex PTSD lecture series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress studies and the TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. March 2021

Webb, E., Girardi, A. and Stewart, I. (2021) Exploring co-production of patient care in a secure mental health setting. Nursing Times; 117: 4, 34-38

Webb. E.L., Greenwood, A., Hamer, A. and Sibley, V. (2021) Profiling referrals to a trauma support service: Needs and outcomes for staff working in a secure adult developmental disorder pathway. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, June 2021

Webb, E.L., Lamplough, H. and Morris, D.J. (2021) A differential pathway into secure care: Compulsory care orders as a marker of elevated adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in adolescents with a developmental disorder.  Clinical Psychology Forum, Vol 342, pp.24-29

Webb, E.L., Moffatt, A., Morris, D.J. and Satti, F. (2021) Untangling the relationship between early adversity, placement breakdowns, and obesity in a secure adolescent developmental disorder service: A cross-sectional study. Disability & Health, Volume 14, Issue 4

Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., Fox, E. and Kamath, S. (2021) The importance of measuring functional impairment in the assessment of PTSD and CPTSD. Poster, Trauma and Complex PTSD lecture series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress studies and the TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. March 2021

Webb, E.L., Morris, D., Hamer, A., and Davies, J. (2021) Trauma and institutional risk in a secure developmental disorder service: Does the SAVRY inflate risk in adolescents exposed to ACEs? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, published 3 December 

2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference. St Andrew's Healthcare, Northampton. 9 November 2021

De La Rue, L., Keating, F., Gibbs, D., Currie, S., and Morris, D. (2021) Improving inclusion in trauma research and practice, round table discussion paper, 2nd International Trauma Informed care in practice conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Harding, R., Webb, E.L., and Mattacola, E.(2021) Exploring trauma symptomology and physical health profiles, and their relative associations, in a female inpatient EUPD population. (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Sibley, V., Webb, E.L., Morris, D.J., and Perry, D. (2021) The relationship between social support and engagement in physical restraint, and its effect on staff wellbeing and functioning. (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Umpunjun, P., and Webb, E.L. (2021) Exposure to adverse childhood experiences amongst adult male prison and forensic populations. A systematic review. (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Umpunjun, P., Webb, E.L., Dickens, A., and Fox, E. (2021) Complex PTSD: Examining the impact on quality of life in female inpatients with emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD). (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Umpunjun, P., Webb, E.L., Leeson, A., and Fox, E. (2021) A CORE focus for services: The impact of complex trauma on the clinical needs of women with EUPD in an inpatient DBT unit. (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Webb, E.L., Baker, K., Sibley, V., Lukes, R., Nawab, Z., Platt, M., Ellerby, K., Umpunjun, P., Harding, R., Farthing, S., and Hamilton, A. (2021) Leaving the past behind: Exploring and expanding the ACE framework within a secure deaf mental health population. (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Webb, E.L., Hamer, A., and Davies, J. (2021) Playing the ACE: Does the SAVRY inflate risk in adolescents with developmental disorders exposed to childhood trauma? (Poster). 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, CDT Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, UK

Published Research - 2020

Almoshmosh, N., Jefee-Bahloul, H., Abdallah, W., Barkil-Oteo. (2020) Use of store-and-forward tele-mental health for displaced Syrians. Intervention Field Report, 2020, Vol.18, Issue 1, pp 66-70

Anthony, J., Kinnafick, F-E., Papathomas, A. and Breen, K. (2020) Physical activity for adolescents with severe mental illness: a systematic scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Online Oct 2020

Aston, A., Smith, S., De Boos, D., Tickle, A. (2020) Do clinical psychologists have a role in clients' use of psychotropic medication? A mixed methods investigation exploring current forms of involvement. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. May 2020

Barnoux, M., Alexander, R., Bhaumik, S., Devapriam, J., Duggan, C., Shepstone, L., Staufenberg, E., Turner, D., Tyler, N., Viding, E. and Langdon, P.E. (2020) The face validity of an initial sub-typology of people with autism spectrum disorders detained in psychiatric hospitals. Autism, 1-13. June 2020

Burch, E. and Rose, J. (2020) The subjective experiences of liaison and diversion staff who encounter individuals with autism. Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice, Vol. 6, Issue 2.

Coxell, A. (2020) PTSD by my own hand: Trauma responses to our own self harm, suicide attempt and offending behaviour. Oral paper: BPS Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Division Conference, November, Northampton

Edwards, H. and Higham, L. (2020), ASD, OCD and violence - a forensic case study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour. Online January

Galappathie, N. and Shaw, A. (2020) Reforming fitness to plead and stand trial legislation in England and Wales. BJPsych Advances, Vol 26, 1, pp 8-15

Galappathie, N. and Shaw, A. (2020) Book Chapter "Side Effects and Safety considerations". Clozapine: Medical Uses, Interactions and Side Effects. Edited: Chanock, Krivoy and Lerner. Published February 2020

Girardi, A. and Zywicka-Rospond, M. (2020) Activity Participation and Inpatient Violence in Secure Mental Health. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, online 13 October 2020

Greenwood, A., Webb, E.L. and Lunn, A. (2020) Trauma response Services: Who accesses and why? Trauma Informed Care: Supporting systems and service users. Oral paper, BPS: Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Division Conference, November, Northampton  

Hallett, N. and Dickens, G.L. (2020) The violence prevention climate of mental health wards: a cross-sectional study of staff and patient views. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2020

Irvine, F.E., Clark, M.T., Efstathiou, N., Herber, O.R., Howroyd, F., Gratix, L., Sammut, D., Trumm, A., Hanssen, T.A., Taylor, J. and Bradbury-Jones, C. (2020) The state of mixed methods research in nursing: A focused mapping review and synthesis. JAN, 08 September 2020

Jenson, K., Hamlet, N., Eldridge, A., Batten, R. and Morris, D. (2020) The impact of Co-Production on the Client-Therapist therapeutic relationship in an Intellectual Disability Service. Forensic Update, 135, 13-19

Livanou, M., Lane, R., D'Souza, S., Singh, S. (2020) A retrospective case note review of young people in transition from adolescent medium secure units to adult services. The Journal of Forensic Practice, June 2020

Mayes, D. (2020) Intellectual Functioning and Sexual Crime: A Historical Context. Book Chapter in Sexual Crime and Intellectual Functioning, Edited by Hocken, Lievesley, Winder, Swaby and Blagden

McCarthy, J., Chaplin, E., Forrester, A., Underwood, L., Haywood, H., Sabeet, J., Young, S., Mills, R., Asherson, P., Murphy, D.  (2020) Prisoners with neurodevelopmental difficulties: Vulnerabilities for mental illness and self-harm. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Vol 29, Issue 5-6, pp257-332 

Morris, D.J. and Beber, E. (2020) Intellectual Disability and Trauma: a question of causality, Trauma Informed Care: Supporting systems and service users. Oral paper, British Psychological Society: Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Division Conference, November, Northampton 

Morris, D., Camden-Smith, C. and Batten, R. (2020) Self-reported experiences of intimate partner violence in a female forensic intellectual disability population. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, Vol 14, No 1, pp.1-13

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Parmar, E., Trundle, G. and McLean, A. (2020) Troubled beginnings: the adverse childhood experiences and placement histories of a detained adolescent population with developmental disorders. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., Dionelis, K., Parmar, E., and Wallang, P. (2020) Adverse Childhood Experiences and their relationship to BMI in a developmental disorder adolescent population. Abuse: An International Impact Journal, Vol 1, No.2.

Morris, S., Gresswell, D.M., Merdian, H.L. (2020) Psychosis and Deafness in Forensic Settings: How are Hallucinations and Delusions Shaped by Experiences of Being Deaf. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Vol 19, Issue 2, pp 165-182

Ratcliffe, J.M. and Stenfert Kroese, B. (2020) Qualities valued in nursing staff working with women with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder in secure care: a multi-perspective study. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Oct 2020

Ravenhill, J.P., Poole, J., Brown, S.D. and Reavey, P. (2020) Sexuality, risk, and organisational misbehaviour in a secure mental healthcare facility in England. Culture, Health & Sexuality. Online January

Rogers, E., Kinnafick, F-E, and Papathomas, A. (2020) Inpatient perspectives on physical activity in a secure mental health setting. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Online Oct 2020

Roscoe, K., Merdian, H.L., Gresswell, M. and Baker, K. (2020) Defining and Measuring Adaptive Behaviour in Deaf Adults. Clinical Psychology Forum, 328. p.14

Wallang, P. (2020) Volumising value: value-based healthcare and its coming of age. BJPsych Advances, 26 (4) 205-207


Published Research - 2019

Alderman, N., Pink, A., Williams, C., da Silva Ramos, S., Oddy, M., Knight, C., Jenkins, K., Barnes, M., and Hayward, C. (2019) Optimizing measurement for neurobehavioural rehabilitation services: A multisite comparison study and response to UKROC. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Online March 2019

Almoshmosh, N., Bahlou, H.J., Barkil-Oteo, A., Hassan, G. and Kirmayer, L. (2019) Mental Health of resettled Syrian refugees: a practical cross-cultural guide for practitioners. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, Vol 15, Issue 1

Boer, H., and Beber, E. (2019) Forensic psychiatry and intellectual disability. Book Chapter in: Seminars in the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability. Edited by Mark Scheepers and Mike Kerr. January 2019

Challinor, L. and Duff, S. (2019)Forensic Staff Attitudes Toward Men Who Have Sexually Offended: A General Public Comparison. Journal of Forensic Nursing  April/June 2019 Vol 15, Issue 2, pp 110-119

Fowler, J.C., Price, R.C., Burger, K., Mattei, A.J., McCarthy, A.M., Lowe, F. and Sathiyaseelan, T. (2019) Embedding third sector psychology services within the probation environment: an alternative to MHTRs. Journal of Criminal Psychology, December 2019

Girardi, A., Hancock-Johnson, E., Thomas, C. and Wallang, P. (2019) Assessing the risk of inpatient violence in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of The American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Online Sept 2019

Gray, E., Beech, A. and Rose, J. (2019) Using biofeedback to improve emotion regulation in sexual offenders with intellectual disability: a feasibility study. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Online Feb 2019

Hancock-Johnson, E. and Rose, V. (2019) Conducting Research in a secure mental health setting. PSYPAG Quarterly, Issue 111 June 2019

Hancock-Johnson, E., Staniforth, C., Pomroy, L. and Breen, K. (2019) Adolescent inpatient completers of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol.22 No.1, pp.29-39

Harris, M. J., Perkins, D., Glorney, E. (2019) Eradicating Childhood Sexual Exploitation and Abuse both online and offline. Identification and treatment of perpetrators and prevention of harm. Symposium presented at the International XIX Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Montreal, Canada, July

Jalil, R., Huber, J.W., Sixsmith, J. and Dickens, G.L. (2019) Incremental Validity of Patients' Self-Reported anger Beyond Structured Professional Judgement Tools in the Prediction of Inpatient Aggression. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Online March 2019

Jalil, R., Huber, J.W., Sixsmith, J. and Dickens, G.L. (2019) The role of interpersonal style in aggression and its containment in a forensic mental health setting: A correlational and pseudoprospective study of patients and nursing staff. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. December 2019 - online

Jeffries, L (2019) The Interesting Group. OT News. July 27 (7), p48-50

Livanou, M., Furtado, V., Winsper, C., Silvester, A. and Singh, S.P. (2019) Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Symptoms Among Incarcerated Youth: A Meta-Analysis of 30 Studies. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, Online June 2019

Livanou, M., Singh, S.P., Liapi, F. and Furtado, V. (2019) Mapping transitional care pathways among young people discharged from adolescent forensic medium secure units in England. Medicine, Science and the Law, November 2019

Mellor, E. and Duff, S. (2019) A quantitative analysis of attitudes toward pornography use in secure hospitals: sexual, violent and non-offenders. The Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol.21 No.2, pp. 112-123

Morris, D., Shergill, S. and Beber, E. (2019) Developmental Trauma in a Forensic Intellectual Disability Population. Journal of Intellectual Disability and Offending Behaviour. November 2019 online

Pearson, A., Austin, K., Rose, N., Rose, J. (2019) Experiences of dialectical behaviour in a community setting for individuals with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities

Rogers, E., Papathomas, A. and Kinnafick, F. (2019) Preparing for a physical activity intervention in a secure psychiatric hospital: reflexive insights on entering the field. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, November 2019

Rose, J. and Gallivan, A. (2019) Staff Training and Supervision. Book Chapter in: Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities: Integrating Theory, Research and Practice. Johnny L Matson (Ed)

Rose, J., Malik, K., Hirata, E., Roughan, H., Aston, K., Larking, M. (2019) Is it possible to use interpretative phenomenological analysis in research with people who have intellectual disabilities? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, Vol.32 Issue 5, pp1007-1017

Rose, J., Stenfert Kroese, B. (2019) Editorial: New developments in psychological interventions (2019) International Journal of Developmental Disabilities Vol. 65 Issue 3, pp 125-127

Rose, V., Stewart, I., Jenkins, K., Tabbaa, L., Ang, C.S., Matsangidou, M. (2019) Bringing the Outside in: The Feasibility of Virtual Reality with people with dementia in an inpatient psychiatric care setting. Dementia, Sept 2019

Tabbaa, L., Ang, C., Rose, V., Siriaraya, P., Stewart, I., Jenkins, K., Matsangidou, M. (2019) Bringing the Outside In: Providing Accessible Experiences Through VR for People with Dementia in Locked Psychiatric Hospitals. Symposium presented at the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, May.

Thomas, R., Rose, J. (2019) School inclusion and attitudes toward people with an intellectual disability. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Online July 2019

Wakeland, E., Rose, J. and Austen, S. (2019) Professionals' Experience of Deaf Offenders With Mental Health Difficulties. American Annals of the Deaf 164(1). 137-157




Published research - 2018

Campbell, L., Beech, A. (2018) Do scores on the HCR-20 and FAM predict frequency of self-harm in females within a secure psychiatric hospital? The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. On line 06 June 2018

Campbell, L., Beech, A. (2018) Is there a link between psychopathy and self-harm? A review of the literature. International Journal of Risk and Recovery. Vol 1 (2)

Challinor, L. and Duff, S. (2018) Factors influencing the development of attitudes towards men who sexually offend and the impact on their care and treatment: A systematic review of literature between 1985 and 2015. Aggression and Behavior Vol 41, July -August 2018, pp 98-107

Chu, EMY., van Santen, J. and Harbishettar, V. (2018) Views from an asylum: a retrospective case note analysis of a nineteenth century asylum. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Oct 2018, Vol 53, Issue 10, pp 1141-1147

Conlin, A. and Braham, L. (2018) Comparison of outcomes of patients with personality disorder to patients with mental illness, following discharge from medium secure hospital: systematic review. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Vol 29 Issue 1 pp 124-125

Drewitt, L., Pybis, J., Murphy, D. and Barkham, M. (2018) Practitioners' experiences of learning and implementing Counselling for Depression (CfD) in routine practice settings. Counselling & Psychology Research, Fol 18, Issue 1 March 2018 pp 3-13

Flinn, L.C., Hassett, C.L. and Braham, L. (2018) Development of forensic normative data for the WAIS-IV. The Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol 20 Issue 1 pp 58-67

Fox, E.(2018) Delivering DBT in an Inpatient Setting. Chapter in: The Oxford Handbook of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Edited by Michaela A, Swales

Girardi, A., Snyman, P., Natarajan, M. and Griffiths, C. (2018) Older adults in secure mental health care: health, social wellbeing and security needs measured with NoNOS-secure across different age groups. the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. On line 08 April 2018

Greenwood, A. and Braham, L. (2018) Violence and aggression towards staff in secure settings. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol 20 Issue 2

Griffiths, C., Roychowdhury, A. and Girardi, A. (2018) Seclusion: the association with diagnosis, gender, length of stay and HoNOS-secure in low and medium secure inpatient mental health service. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. 

Griffiths, C. and Girardi, A. (2018) The Effects of Modafinil in People with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia. OJ Psych Vol 8 No 1 Jan 2018.

Gunenc, C., O'Shea, L.E. and Dickens, G. L. (2018) Structured risk assessment for reduction of multiple risk outcomes in a secure mental health setting: Use of the START. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Vol 28, Issue 1 (February 2018) pp 61-71

Hallett, N., Huber, J., Sixsmith, J. and Dickens, G.L. (2018) Measuring the violence prevention climate: Development and evaluation of the VPC-14. International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol 88, Dec 2018, pp 97-103

Jalil, R., Dickens, G.L. (2018) Systematic review of studies of mental health nurses' experience of anger and of its relationships with their attitudes and practice. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Vol 25 Issue 3 pp 201-213

Kinnafick, F., Papathomas, A. and Regoczi, D. (2018) Promoting exercise behaviour in a secure mental health setting: Health Care Assistant perspectives. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. On line 30 May 2018

Larkin, M., Unwin, G., Iyer, M., Tsimopoulou, I., Zahid, S., Malik, K., Stenfert Kroese, B. and Rose, J. (2018) Cultural affordance, social relationships, and narratives of independence: Understanding the meaning of social care for adults with intellectual disabilities from minority ethnic groups in the UK. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Vol 64 Issue 3 pp 195-203

Long, C.G., Dolley, O. and Hollin, C. (2018) The use of the mental health treatment requirement (MHTR): clinical outcomes at one year of a collaboration. Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol 8, Issue 3, pp 215-233

Rogers, E., Kinnafick, F., Papathomas, A. (2018) Physical activity in secure settings: a scoping review of methods, theory and practise. Mental Health and Physical Activity, online 19 Nov 2018. In Press, Accepted Manuscript

Rose, J., Nelson, L. (2018) A Preliminary Exploration of the Challenging Behaviour Perception Questionnaire: A Measure of Parental Cognitions about Challenging Behaviour. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Vol 43 Issue 2 pp 223-231

Rose, J. (2018) Adapting and evaluating treatment approaches for intellectually disabled sex offenders. Book Chapter in: Violent and Sexual Offenders: Assessment, Treatment and Management. Second Edition. 

Rose, J. and Gallivan, A. (2018) Staff Training and Supervision. Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities: Integrating Theory, Research and Practice. In Press

Rose, J., Hutchinson, G., Wilner, P. and Bastick, T. (2018) The prevalence of mental health difficulties in a sample of prisoners in Trinidadian prisons referred for anger management. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol 20 Issue 4, pp 249-256

Rose, J. and Stenfert Kroese, B. (2018) Introduction to special issue on qualitative research. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Vol 64 Issue 3. pp 129-131

Rose, J. and Walker, A. (2018) Understanding Staff to provide Effective Support and Development. Chapter in The Wiley Handbook on offenders with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Research, Training and Practice. Edited by Lindsey, W and Taylor, J. October 2018

Rose, V., Stewart, I., Jenkins, K., Ang, C.S. and Matsangidou, M. (2018) A Scoping Review Exploring the Feasibility of Virtual Reality Technology Use with Individuals Living with Dementia. In Proc. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (pp.131-139).

Szumski, F., Bartels, R.M., Beech, A.R. and Fisher, D. (2018) Distorted cognition related to male sexual offending: The multi-mechanism theory of cognitive distortions (MMT-CD). Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol 39 March-April 2018, pp 139-151

Tecelao, D., Mendes, A., Martins, D., Fu, C., Chaddock, C.A., Picchioni, M.M., McDonald, C., Kalidindi, S., Murray, R. and Prata, D.P. (2018) The effect of psychosis associated CACNA1C, and its epistasis with ZNF804A, on brain function. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 05 August 2018

Thygesen, J., Wolfe, K. et al. (2018) Neurodevelopmental risk copy number variants in adults with intellectual disabilities and comorbid psychiatric disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 212, Issue 5 pp 287-294

Waite, J., Rose, J. et al. (2018) Associations between behaviours that challenge in adults with intellectual disability, parental perceptions and parental mental health. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol 56 Issue 4 pp 408-430

Wallang, P., Kamath, S., Parshall, A., Saridar, T. and Shah, M. (2018) Implementation of outcomes-driven and value-based mental health care in the UK. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, Vol 79, Issue 6 June 2018 

Williams, E. and Rose, J. (2018) Non-pharmacological treatment for individuals with intellectual disability and "personality disorder". Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.

Williams, E., Thrift, S. and Rose, J. (2018) The subjective experiences of women with intellectual disabilities and offending behaviour: exploring of their experiences of 'home'. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Vol 64 3 pp 132-143






Published research - 2017

Adam, D., Rose, J., Jackson, N., Karakatsani, E. (2017) Coping strategies in mothers of children with intellectual disabilities showing multiple forms of challenging behaviour: Associations with Maternal Mental Health. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.

Challinor, L.E., and Duff, S. (2017) Sexual offending hierarchies, personality attributions, and the clinical implications. Journal of Forensic Practice, 19 (3), 190-197

Childs, L. and Joy, V. (2017) Better Lives, Better Living: Service-User Led Innovations for Healthy Living. Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services, MSU/LSU, 36, 26-27

Cooke, E., Stephenson, Z., Rose, J. (2017) How do professionals experience working with offenders diagnosed with personality disorder within a prison environment? Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology Vol 28 (6), 841-862

Dickens, G.L., O'Shea, L. (2017) Reliable and clinically significant change in outcomes for forensic mental health inpatients. Use of the HoNOS-Secure. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health Vol 16 (2), 161-171

Dickens, G.L., O'Shea, L. (2017) Use of the HCR-20 for violence risk assessment: views of clinicians working in a secure inpatient mental health setting. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol 19 (2), 130-138

Fazel, S., Wolf, A. (2017) Selecting a risk assessment tool to use in practice: a 10-point guide. Evidence-Based Mental Health. BMJ Journal

Galappathie, N., Khan, S. and Hussain, A. (2017) Civil and forensic patients in secure psychiatric settings: A comparison. BJPsych Bulletin, Vol 41 (3) 156-159

Griffiths, C., Hancock-Johnson, E. (2017) The experiences of paid formal lived experience workers within a secure mental health service. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, Vol 12 (5), 313-322

Hancock-Johnson, E., Griffiths, C., Picchioni, M. (2017) A Focused Systematic Review of Pharmacological Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. CNS Drugs, Vol 31 (5), 345-356

Hutchinson, G., Rose, J., Willner, P. and Bastick, T. (2017) Intellectual Disability in a Prison population with anger problems in Trinidad. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychlogy, Vol 28 (4), 513-524

Hutchison, G., Willner, P., Rose, J. and Burke, I. (2017) CBT in a Caribbean Context: A Controlled Trial of Anger Management in Trinidadian Prisons. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol 45 (1), 1-15

Jalil, R., Huber, J.W., Sixsmith, J., Dickens, G.L.(2017) Mental health nurses' emotions, exposure to patient aggression, attitudes to and use of coercive measures: Cross sectional questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol 75 pp 130-138

Livanou, M., Furtado, V., Singh, S.P. (2017) Mentally disordered young offenders in transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services across England and Wales. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol.19 Issue: 4, pp301-308

Malik, K.J., Unwin, G., Larking, M., Kroese, B.S. and Rose, J. (2017) The complex role of social care services in supporting the development of sustainable identities: Insights from the experiences of British South Asian women with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities Vol 63, 74-84

Mallas, E. et al. (2017) The impact of CACNA1C gene, and its epistasis with ZNF804A, on white matter microstructure in health, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Genes, Brain and Behavior Vol 16 (4), 479-488

Mann, E., Simms, S. and Long, C. (2017) Working with Women who Self-harm within a Secure Environment: The Experience of Assistant Psychologists. Forensic Update, 126, 9-19

Natarajan, M and Mulvana, S. (2017) New horizons: Forensic mental health services for older people. BJPsychAdvances, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2017, pp.44-53

Outar, C., Rose, J. (2015) Is there a relationship between Role-Identity, work demands, and burnout in direct care staff working with individuals with intellectual disabilities? Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Vol 42 Issue 2 pp123-130

Picchioni, M. et al. (2017) Pattern of activation during delayed matching to sample task predicts functional outcome in people at ultra high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, Vol 181, 86-93

Picchioni, M. et al. (2017) Clinical and Neuropsychological features of violence in Schizophrenia: A prospective cohort study. Schizophrenia Research, Vol 181, 124-130

Picchioni, M., Toulopoulou, T., Mortenson, P.B., Peterson, L. (2017) IQ, the urban environment and their impact on future schizophrenia risk in men. Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol 43 (5), 1056-1063

Wakeland, E., Austen, S. and Rose, J. (2017) What is the prevalence of abuse in the deaf/hard of hearing population? Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, Vol 29 (3), 434-454

Wallang, P. and Ellis, R. (2017) Stress, burnout and resilience and the HCA. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, Vol. 11, No. 6

Warner, L., McLean, A., Rowe, K., Gralton, E.(2017) A Prospective validation study of the START:AV. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol 19 (2), 115-129

Published research - 2016

Alderman, N., Major, G., Brooks, J. (2016) What can structured professional judgement tools contribute to management of neurobehavioural disability? Predictive validity of the short-term assessment of risk and treatability (START) in acquired brain injury. Journal of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Vol 28 (3), 448-465

Alderman, N., Williams, C. and Wood, R. (2016) Measuring neurobehavioural disability using the SASNOS: applications and new developments. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation (ACNR), Special feature Nov 2016

Andre, J., Picchioni, M., Zhang, R. and Toulopoulou, T. (2016) Working memory circuit as a function of increasing age in healthy adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analyses. NeuroImage: Clinical Vol 12, Feb 2016, 940-948

Dickens, G., Frogley, C., Mason, F., Anagnostakis, K. and Picchioni, M. (2016) Experiences of women in secure care who have been prescribed clozapine for borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation 3:12

Dolley, O., Gaylor, M., Long, C. (2016) Getting the most from your treatment: Motivating engagement in women in medium secure forensic settings. Forensic Update, Issue 121, June 2016

Galappathie, N., Khan, S. (2016) End-of-life care in psychiatry:'one chance to get it right'. BJPSych Bulletin, Vol 40 (1), 38-40

Hallett, N., Huber, J., Sixsmith, J. and Dickens, G. (2016) Care planning for aggression management in a specialist secure mental health service: An audit of user involvement. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Vol 25 (6), 507-515

Haw, C., Muthu-Veloe, A., Suett, M., Ibodor, O., Picchioni, M. (2016) Monitoring antipsychotic side effects: a completed audit cycle conducted in a secure hospital. Journal of Forensic Practice Vol 18 (3), 182-188

Heer, K., Rose, J., Larkin, M. (2016) The challenges of providing culturally competent care within a disability focused team: A phenomenological exploration of staff experiences. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Vol 27 (2), 109-116

Kanaan, R., Allin, M., Picchioni, M., Shergill, S., McGuire, P. (2016) White matter microstructural organization is higher with age in adult superior cerebellar peduncles. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, !4 April 2016

Kelbrick, M., Abu-Kmeil, S. and Picchioni, M. (2016) Evaluating outcomes in an adult inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation unit. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol 20 (5), 18-24

Long, C., Afford, M., Harris, M., Dolley, O. (2016) Training in de-escalation. An effective alternative to restrictive interventions in a secure psychiatric service. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol 12 (1), 11-18

Long, C., Rowell, A., Rigg, S., Livesey, F. and McAllister, P. (2016) What is effective in promoting a healthy lifestyle in secure psychiatric settings? A review of the evidence for an integrated programme that targets modifiable health risk behaviours. The Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol.18 No.3, pp.2014-215.

Mallas, EJ., Carletti, F., Chaddock C., Woolley, J., Picchioni, M. (2016) Genome-wide discovered psychosis-risk gene ZNF804A impacts on white matter mircrostructure in health, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. PeerJ, 4:e1570

Mayes, D., Whitaker, Z., Ramsden, S., Braham, L. and Norburn, M. (2016) Exploring service users' experience of community meetings in a high secure service. Mental Health Review Journal, Vol 21 (3), 200-212

Morris, D., Brewer, R., Webb, A., Gray, N. (2016) The evaluation of a Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) group with a detained female forensic population with a primary diagnosis of ASD: A pilot study. Forensic Update, 121, June 2016

Murphy, P., Mason, F. (2016) Psychological effects of rape and serious sexual assault. Book Chapter. Sexual Offence, Law and Practice.

Muhammed, G., Faruqui, R. (2016) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the aftermath of wars, conflicts and terrorism: Co-relation between countries GDP and prevalence of PTSD. Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry Vol 5 (2) 

Oakley, C., Harris, S., Fahy, T., Murphy, D., Picchioni, M. (2016) Childhood adversity and conduct disorder: a development pathway to violence in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, Vol 172 (1-3), 54-59

O'Shea, L., Dickens, G. (2016) Performance of Protective Factors Assessment in Risk Prediction for Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, Vol 23 (2), 126-138

O'Shea, L., Dickens, G. (2016) Role of assessment components and recent adverse outcomes in risk estimation and prediction: Use of the START in an adult secure inpatient mental health service. Psychiatry Research, Vol 240, 398-405

O'Shea, L., Picchioni, M., Dickens, G. (2016) The predictive validity of the Short-term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) for multiple adverse outcomes in a secure psychiatric inpatient setting. Assessment, Vol 23 (2)

Robinson, L., Escopri, N., Stenfert Kroese, B., Rose, J. (2016) The subjective experience of adults with intellectual disabilities who have mental health problems within community settings. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, Vol 10 (2), 106-115

Rose, J., Nelson, L. and Hardiman, R. (2016) The Relationship between challenging behaviour, cognitions and stress in mothers of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Vol 44 (6) 691-704

Rose, J. et al. (2016) Assessment of anger-related cognitions of people with intellectual disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol 44 (5), 580-600

Rose, J. et al. (2016) A Quantisation of cognitive learning process by computer graphics-games: towards more efficient learning models. Open Access Library Journal (Psychology).

Rose, J., Unwin, G., Deb, S. (2016) Carer and Family perspectives. Book Chapter in Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Shead, J., Rose, J., Scott, H. (2016) Investigating predictors and moderators of burnout in staff working in services for people with intellectual disabilities. The role of emotional intelligence, exposure to violence and self efficacy. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Vol 62 (4), 224-233

Sen, P. (2016) Themed editorial: Mental health needs of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees - challenges and solutions. BJPsych International, Vol 13 (2), 30-32

Unwin, G., Larkin, M., Rose, J., Kroese, B., Malcolm, S. (2016) Developing resources to facilitate culturally-sensitive service planning and delivery - Doing research inclusively with people with intellectual disabilities. Research Involvement and Engagement, 2016 2:17

Wallang, P., Elmer, D. and Woodage, J. (2016) Autistic spectrum conditions: the essentials for healthcare assistants and assistant practitioners. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, Vol 10, No.2 

Wolfe, K., Strydom, A. et al. (2016) Chromosomal microarray testing in adults with intellectual disability presenting with comorbid psychiatric disorders. European Journal of Human Genetics, 25, 66-72

Zhang, R., Allen, P., Picchioni, M., Toulopoulou, T. (2016) Working memory in healthy relatives of patients with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol 42 (4), 1068-1077

Published research - 2015

Buchanan, A. (2015) Respect for dignity and forensic psychiatry. International Journal of Law Psychiatry (2015) Vol 41 pages 12-17

Budisavljevic, S., Dell'Acqua, F., Rijsdijk, F. V., Kane, F., Picchioni, M. (2015) Age-related differences and heritability of the perisylvian language networks. JNeurosci -The Journal of Neuroscience September 2015, 35 (37) 12625-12634

Delmage, E., Exworthy, T., Blackwood, N. (2015) The 'Hybrid Order': origins and usage. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. Vol 26, 2015 - Issue 3 Pages 325-336

Ellison, L., Munro, V., Hohl, K. and Wallang, P. (2015) Accessible Justice? Rape Victimisation and Psychosocial Disability. feminists@law Vol 5. No.1

Gunenc, C., O'Shea, L., Dickens, G. (2015) Prevalence and predictors of verbal aggression in a secure mental health service: Use of the HCR-20. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Vol 24 Issue 4 pages 314-323

Hallett, N., Dickens, G. (2015) De-escalation: A survey of clinical staff in a secure mental health inpatient service. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Vol 24 Issue 4 pages 324-333

Haw, C., Casey, D., Holmes, J., Hawton, K. (2015) Suicidal intent and method of self-harm: A large-scale study of self-harm patients presenting to a general hospital. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. Vol 45, Issue 6 pages 732-746

Haw, C., Hawton, K., Gunnell, D., Platt, S. (2015) Economic recession and suicidal behaviour: Possible mechanisms and ameliorating factors. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Vol 61, Issue 1

Haw, C., Hawton, K. (2015) Suicide and self-harm by drowning: a review of the literature. Archives of Suicide Research. Vol 20 Issue 2 pages 95-112

Haw, C., Shears, J. (2015) An audit of social circumstances reports for first-tier tribunals in a secure psychiatric service. Practice: Social Work in Action. Vol 28 Issue 4 pages 253-265

Heer, K., Larkin, M., Rose, J. (2015) The experiences of British South Asian carers caring for a child with developmental disabilities in the UK. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 20 (4), 228 -238.

Heer, K., Rose, J., Larkin, M., Singhal, N. (2015) The experiences of mothers caring for a child with developmental disabilities: A cross cultural perspective. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 8 (4), 218-232

Larkin, M., Unwin, G., Kroese, B., Rose, J. (2015) Meeting the support needs of people from minority ethnic groups. Community Living. Feb 3 2015 Issue 28.2

Lees Warley, G., Rose, J. (2015) What does the evidence tell us about people with low intellectual functioning who set fires? A systematic review. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Vol 61, Issue 4, pp 242-256

Long, C., Banyard, E., Dolley, O. (2015) Living with mental illness. A cognitive behavioural group psycho education programme with women in secure settings. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Vol 23, Issue 4 pp 368-376

Long, C., West, R., Afford, M., Collins, L., Dolley, O. (2015) Reducing the use of seclusion in a secure service for women. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. Vol 11 Issue 2 pp 84-94

Long, C., Siddique, R., Rigg, S., Banyard, E., Stillman, S., Bailey, S. (2015) Screening for incontinence in a secure psychiatric service for women. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Vol 24 Issue 6 pp 451-459

Long, C., Dolley, O., Hollin, C. (2015) Treatment progress in medium security hospital settings for women: changes in symptoms, personality and service need from admission to discharge. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. Vol 25 Issue 2 pp 99-111

Long C.G., Fitzgerald, K., Hollin, C.R. (2015) Women firesetters admitted to secure psychiatric services: characteristics and treatment needs. Victims and Offenders. Vol 10 Issue 3 pp 342-353

Malcolm, C., Picchioni, M., Ellett, L. (2015) Intrusive prospective imagery, post-trauma intrusions and anxiety in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. Dec 30;230 (3) pp 899-904

Montenegro, M. (2015) Sexuality and diversity training in clinical psychology courses in the UK. Clinical Psychology Forum 270 June 2015

Montenegro, M. (2015) Evaluating 'FREDA challenge': a coproduced human rights board game in services for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Vol 28 Issue 3 pp 223-237

Morris D, J. and Gray, N. (2015) Increasing knowledge of Personality Disorders in detained women with an Intellectual Disability. Journal of intellectual disabilities and offending behaviour. Vol 6 Issue 1 pp 23-32

O'Connell, J., Reffin, C. (2015) Growing Up, Sex and Me.

O'Donoghue, T., Shine, J., Orimalde, O. (2015) Characteristics of referrals and admissions to a medium secure ASD unit. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour. Vol 5 Issue 3 pp 138-146

O'Shea, L., Picchioni, M., McCarthy, J., Mason, F., Dickens, G. (2015) Predictive validiy of the HCR-20 for inpatient aggression: the effect of intellectual disability on accuracy. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Vol 59 Issue 11 pp 1042-1054

O'Shea, L., Dickens, G. (2015) Predictive validity of the START for agression and self-harm in a secure mental health service: Gender differences. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Vol 14 Issue 2 pp 132-146

O'Shea, L., Dickens, G. (2015) Predictive validity of the START for unauthorised leave and substance abuse in a secure mental health setting: a pseudo-prospective cohort study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Vol 52 Issue 5 pp 970-979

O'Shea, L., Dickens, G. (2015) Contribution of protective factors assessment to risk prediction: Systematic review and meta-analysis. European Psychiatry. Vol 30, Supplement 1 page 211

O'Shea, L., Thaker, D-K., Picchioni, M., Mason, F. (2015) Predictive validity of the HCR-20 for violent and non-violent sexual behaviour in a secure mental health service. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. Vol 26 Issue 5 pp 366-379

Penny, C. and Exworthy, T. (2015) A gilded cage is still a cage: Cheshire West widens 'deprivation of liberty'. British Journal of Psychiatry. 206 (2) 91-2

Rose, J. et al. (2015) Managers' views of the effects of their service of hosting a cognitive-behavioural anger management group. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. Vol 9 Issue 1 pp 19-29

Rose, J., Nelson, L. (2015) A Preliminary Exploration of the Challenging Behaviour Perception Questionnaire: A Measure of Parental Cognitions about Challenging Behaviour. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Vol 43 Issue 2 pp 223-231

Rose, J. et al. (2015) Cognitive behavioural anger management intervention for people with intellectual disabilities: cost of intervention and impact on health and social care resourse use. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Vol 59 Issue 1 pp 68-81

Rose, J., Golding, N. (2015) Exploring the attitudes and knowledge of support workers towards individuals with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. Vol 19 Issue 2 pp 116-129

Sami, M. B., Faruqui, R. A. (2015) The effectiveness of dopamine agonists for treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms post brain injury and stroke. International Journal of Translational Neuropsychiatry. Vol 27 Issue 6 pp 317-326

Sen, P., Lindsey, S., Chatterjee, N., Rama-Iyer, R., Picchioni, M. (2015) An Audit of the quality of HCR-20 violence risk assessments in a Low Secure Service. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. Vol 11 Issue S1 

Shead, J., Rose, J., Scott, H. (2015) Investigating predictors and moderators of burnout in staff working in services for people with intellectual disabilities: The role of emotional intelligence, exposure to violence and self efficacy. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Vol 62 Issue 4 pp 224-233

Shears, J., Maher, S. (2015) Social Work with people whose symptoms of psychosis have a somatic cause - reflections from practice.

Staniforth, C., Griffin, Y. (2015) Intellectual Disabilities and ASD. Book Chapter in 'Young people in forensic mental health settings:psychological thinking and practice.

Zyrianova, Y., Alexander, L., Faruqui, R. (2015) Neuropsychiatric presentations and outcomes in children and adolescents with primary brain tumours: Systemic review. Brain Injury. Vol 30 Issue 1 pp 1-9

Published research - 2014

Baker, F., Harwood, R., Adams, M., Baker, C. and Long, C. (2014) Following up the outcomes of a CBT-based substance misuse intervention for men in a secure psychiatric setting. Forensic Update 115, pp 52-58

Bhandarkar, R. (2014) Need for decriminalisation of attempted suicide in low-middle income countries. Board of International Affairs of the RC Psych Vol 11, (2), p 50

Bradley, K., Shine, J. and Morland, R. (2014) Future directions for forensic practice in the community. Book Chapter in Ashmore, Z & Shuker, R (eds) Forensic Practice in the Community, UK: Routledge

Clark, C., Fox, E. and Long, C. (2014) Can teaching staff about the neurobiological underpinnings of borderline personality disorder instigate attitudinal change? Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol 11(1) pp 43-51

Bernier, G., Kim, Y. and Sen, P. (2014) A systematic review of the global prevalence of personality disorders in adult Asian populations. Personality and Mental Health, Vol 8(4) pp 264-275

Dickens, G., Suesse, M., Snyman, P. and Picchioni, M. (2014) Associations between ward climate and patient characteristics in a secure forensic mental health service. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. Vol 25, Issue 2, pp 195-211

Ellison, L., Munro, V., Hohl, K. and Wallang, P. (2014) Challenging criminal justice? Psychosocial disability and rape victimisation. Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vol 15(2) pp 225-244

Exworthy, T. (2014) Inquiries after Homicide. Book Chapter in Gunn, J. & Taylor, P. (eds) Forensic Psychiatry: Clinical, Legal and Ethical Issues (2nd Edition). Florida: CRD Press

Forrester, A., MacLennan, F., Slade, K., Brown, P. and Exworthy, T. (2014) Improving access to psychological therapies in prisons. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Vol 24(3) pp 163-168

Forrester, A., Singh, J., Slade, K., Exworthy, T. and Sen, P. (2014) Mental health in-reach in an urban UK remand prison. International Journal of Prisoner Health, Vol 10(3) pp 155-163

Fox, E., Krawcyk, K., Staniford, J. and Dickens, G. (2014) A service evaluation of a 1-year Dialectical Behaviour Therapy programme for women with Borderline Personality Disorder in a low secure unit. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol 43 (6) pp 676-691

Galappathie, N. and Khan, S. (2014) Clozapine-associated pneumonia and respiratory arrest secondary to severe constipation. Medicine, Science and The Law. Vol 54, Issue 2

Galappathie, N., Seth, V. and Begum, A. (2014) Clozapine re-trial in a patient with repeated life threatening pneumonias. Acta Bio Medica, Aug 20; 85(2), pp 175-179

Gunasekaran, S. (2014) Pragmatic Language Deficits in Asperger's Syndrome (Higher Functioning Autism): Review of Pathology Effective Treatments in Adults. International Journal of Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology, Vol 2(2), pp 95-100

Hallett, N., Huber, J. and Dickens, G. (2014) Violence prevention in inpatient psychiatric settings: Systematic review of studies about the perceptions of care staff and patients. Aggression and Violent Behaviour Vol 19 (5) pp 502-514

Harris, S., Oakley, C. and Picchioni, M. (2014) A systematic review of the association between attributional bias/interpersonal style, and violence in schizophrenia/psychosis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol 19, Issue 3 pp 235-241

Haw, C., Stubbs, J. and Dickens, G. (2014) Verbal orders: are you up to date with current guidance? British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 3 (1), pp 33-36 

Haw, C. and Hawton, K. (2014) Suicide is a complex behaviour in which mental disorder usually plays a central role. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Vol 49 (1) pp 13-15

Haw, C., Hawton, K., Gunnell, D. and Platt, S, (2014) Economic recession and suicidal behaviour: Possible mechanisms and ameliorating factors. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Vol 61 (1) pp 73-81

Haw, C., Stubbs, J. and Dickens, G. (2014) Barriers to the reporting of medication administration errors and near misses: an interview study of nurses at a psychiatric hospital. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Vol 21 (9) pp 797-805 

Haw, C., Stubbs, J. and Dickens, G. (2014) Nurses' views about unlicensed and off-license medicines in Forensic Mental Health. Journal of Forensic Practice, Vol 16(3) pp 194-202

Haw, C., Stubbs, J. and Dickens, G. (2014) Medicines management: an interview study of nurses at a secure psychiatric hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol 71(2), pp 281-294

Haw, C. and Wolstencroft, L. (2014) A study of the use of sedative PRN medication in patients at a secure hospital. the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. Vol 25, Issue 3, pp 307-320

Haw, C. and Wolstencroft, L. (2014) A study of the prescription and administration of sedative PRN medication to older adults in a secure hospital. International Psychogeriatrics. Vol 26 (6) pp 943-951

Haw, C. and Wolstencroft, L. (2014) The administration of 'as required' sedative medication at a secure psychiatric hospital. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Vol 3(2) pp 81-85

Hawton, K., Haw, C., Casey, D., Bale, L., Brand, F. and Rutherford, D. (2014) Self-harm in Oxford, England: epidemiological and clinical trends, 1996-2010. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Vol 50 (5) pp 695-704

Jenkins, K. (2014) Forum: Dementia Friends. Social Care and Neurodisability. Vol 5 Issue 2 

Kanaan, R., Chaddock, C., Allin, M., Picchioni, M., Daly, E., Shergill, S. and McGuire, P. (2014) Gender influence on white matter microstructure: a tract-based spatial statistics analysis. PLOS ONE 9(3): e91109

Kelbrick, M., Abdaldayim, S. and Picchioni, M. (2014) Blood pressure monitoring in psychiatric inpatients with bipolar affective disorder. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. Vol 18(4) pp 11-15

Kelbrick, M. and Picchioni, M. (2014) Diabetes screening in elderly psychiatric inpatients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Vol 29 (10) pp 1097-1098

Lee, S. and West, R. (2014) Cognitive approaches to intervention. Book Chapter in Bryant, B, Fieldhouse, J & Bannigan, K (eds) Creeks Occupational Therapy and Mental Health (5th Ed.) London: Churchill Livingstone.

Long, C., Anagnostakis, K., Banyard, E., Silaule, P. and Dolley, O. (2014) Patient and staff experience of a ward based risk management system. Forensic Update, 113, 7-18

Long, C., Bell, N., Carr, A., Cairns, L., Webb, A. and Collins, L. (2014) The benefits of environmental change in a secure service for people with intellectual disabilities. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, Vol 8 (5) pp 309-320

Long, C., Dickens, G. and Dolley, O. (2014) Features and motivators of emotionally expressive firesetters; The assessment of women in secure psychiatric settings. Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol 4(2) pp 129-142

Long, C., Dolley, O. and Hollin, C. (2014) Personality disordered women in secure care: a  treatment evaluation. Journal of Criminal Psychology. Vol 4, Issue 1 pp 44-58

Long, C., Fulton, B. and Dolley, O. (2014) Using psychoeducation to motivate engagement for women with personality disorder in secure settings. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol 11 (1) pp 18-26

Long, C., Harding, S., Payne, K. and Collins, L. (2014) Nursing and healthcare assistant experience of supervision in a medium secure service for women. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Vol 21, Issue 2 pp 154-162

Long, C. and Mason, F. (2014) Improving health and wellbeing in women's secure services: physical activity, appearance, self-care and body image. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, Vol 7 (4) pp 178-186

Long, C., Rowell, A., Gayton, A., Hodgson, E. and Dolley, O. (2014) Tackling obesity and its complications in secure settings. Mental Health Review Journal, Vol 19 Issue 1 pp 37-46

Mason, F. (2014) Psychological Effects of Rape and Serious Sexual Assault. Book Chapter in Rook, P & Ward, R (eds) Rook & Ward on Sexual Offences: Law & Practice: 1st Supplement (4th Edition). UK: Sweet & Maxwell

Mitchell, A.E., Dickens, G. and Picchioni, M. (2014) Facial emotion processing in Borderline Personality Disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, Vol 24 (2), pp 166-184

Montenegro, M. (2014) "Am I dead or alive?" integrative Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy with a 15 year old experiencing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. International Journal for Psychological and Complimentary Therapies, Sept 2014; Vol 6(1) pp 45-64

Murphy, P. (2014) Analysis of the Payment by Results Policy for Mental Health in England. Journal of Clinical Research And Governance. Vol 3 (1)

Murphy, P. and Exworthy, T. (2014) Mental Health and the Law. Book Chapter in Myers, G, Garder, M, Boursicot, K & Sales, D (eds) Oxford Assess and Progress: Psychiatry. Oxford University Press

Niedzwiedz, C., Haw, C., Hawton, K. and Platt, S. (2014) The definition and epidemiology of clusters of suicidal behaviour: a systematic review. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Vol 44 (5) pp 569-581

O'Shea, L., Mason, F., Picchioni, M. and Dickens, G. (2014) EPA-0442- All things being equal? predictive validity of the HCR-20 among heterogeneous groups of secure psychiatric inpatients. European Psychiatry, Vol 29, supplement 1, p 1

O'Shea, L., Picchioni, M., Mason, F., Sugarman, P. and Dickens, G. (2014) Predictive validity of the HCR-20 for inpatient self-harm. Comprehensive Psychiatry, The Journal of Psychopathology, Vol 55(8) pp 1937-1949

O'Shea, L., Picchioni, M., Mason, F., Sugarman, P. and Dickens, G. (2014) Differential predictive validity of the Historical, Clinical and Risk Management Scales (HCR-20) for inpatient aggression. Psychiatry Research, Vol 220(1-2), pp 669-678

O'Shea, L. and Dickens, G. (2014) Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START): Systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Assessment, 26(3), pp 990-1002

Parkes, J., Pyer, M., Ward, A., Doyle, C. and Dickens, G. (2014) 'Going into the unknown': Experiences of male patients in secure settings during environmental transition. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing Vol 24 (1) pp 2-10

Picchioni, M. (2014) Special interview situations (2014) Book Chapter in Owen, G, Wessely, S & Murray, R (eds) The Maudsley Handbook of Practical Psychiatry (6th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Picchioni, M. and Dickens, G. (2014) EPA-0469-Translating hcr-20 risk assessment into evidence based risk management. European Psychiatry Vol 29, Supplement 1, page 1 

Popovic, D., Yildiz, A., Murphy, P. and Colom, F. (2014) Unexplored areas of psychotherapy in Bipolar Disorder. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Vol 22 (6) pp 373-378 

Roychowdhury, A. and Adshead, G. (2014) Violence risk assessment as a medical intervention: ethical tensions. Psychiatric Bulletin, 38 (2): pp 75-82

Rose, A., Beech, A., Long, C., Wheatley, M. and Hordor, L. (2014) Accreditation of first cross-divisional doctorate. The Psychologist, Vol 27, pp 184-189

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Till, A., Exworthy, T. and Forrester, A. (2014) Integration and offender mental health. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. Vol 26(1) 

Till, A., Forrester, A. and Exworthy, T. (2014) The development of equivalence as a mechanism to improve prison healthcare. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Vol 107(5) pp 179-182

Toulopoulou, T., van Haren, N., Zhang, X., Sham, P., Cherry, S., Campbell, D., Picchioni, M., Murray, R., Boomsma, D., Hulshoff Pol, H., Brouwer, R., Schnack, H., Fananas, L., Sauer, H., Nenadic, I., Weisbrod, M., Cannon, R. and Khan, R. (2014) Reciprocal causation models of cognitive vs volumetric cerebral intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia in a pan-European twin cohort. Molecular Psychiatry Vol 20 pp 1386-1396

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Published research - 2013

Abdy, D. (2013) Meeting Report - Libraries for Nursing Winter Study Day: marketing your service with a limited budget and limited time. CLIP Health Libraries Group Newsletter, 30, pp15-16

Adamson, L., O'Connell, J., Reffin, C., McLean, A. and Power, C. (2013) Sexuality and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities. Frontline Magazine, 91 pp 27-28

Alderman, N., Knight, C. and Brooks, J. (2013) Rehabilitation Approaches to the Management of Aggressive Behaviour Disorders after Acquired Brain Injury. Brain Impairment, 14 pp 5-20

Barkham, E., Gunasekram, S. and Lovelock, C. (2013) Medium secure care: forensic aspects of autism and Asperger's syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and offending behaviour, 4 (1/2) pp 9-16

Barnham-Hall, N., Kothwal, K., Pipkin, J., Bentley, J. and Dickens, G. (2013) Prevalence of low bone mineral density in inpatients with traumatic brain injury receiving neurobehavioural rehabilitation: a postoperative observational study. Physiotherapy Vol 99, Issue 4, pp 328-334

Chaplin, E., Chester, R., Tsakanikos, E., McCarthy, J., Craig, T., Bouras, N. (2013) Reliability and validity of the SAINT: a guided self-help tool for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6, pp 245-253

Chaplin, E., McCarthy, J. and Underwood, L. (2013) Autism spectrum conditions and offending: an introduction to the special edition. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and offending behaviour, 4 (1/2) pp 5-8

Chu, E., Shah, R. and Al-Salihy, Z. (2013) Working as a doctor in the third sector. BMJ Careers

Delmage, E. (2013) The Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility: a Medico-legal Perspective. Youth Justice Journal, 13 pp 102-110

Dickens, G., Long, C., Picchioni, M. (2013) Aggression in specialist secure and forensic inpatient mental health care: incidence across care pathways. Journal of Forensic practice, 15 (3)

Dickens, G., O'Shea, L., Mason, F. and Picchioni, M. (2013) All things being equal? Predictive validity of the HCR-20 among heterogeneous groups of secure psychiatric inpatients. In Callaghan, P, Oud, N, Bjorngaard, J et al (eds) Proceedings of the 8th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry

Dickens, G,. Piccirillo, M. and Alderman, N. (2013) Causes and management of aggression and violence in a forensic mental health service: perspectives of nurses and patients. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22 pp 532-544

Dickens, G., Staniford, J. and Long, C. (2013) Smoking behaviour, motives, motivation to quit and self-efficacy among patients in a secure mental health service: comparison with staff controls. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21 (6) pp 483-490

Evans, R., Hollin, C. and Long, C. (2013) A profile of violent female offenders in secure psychiatric care. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 3 (1) pp 31-39

Fitzgerald, K., Wakeland, E. (2013) A pilot investigation on the use of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) with adult inpatient males with a primary diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Forensic Update, 109, pp11-18

Flomen, R., Shaikh, M., Walshe, M., Schulze, K., Hall, M., Picchioni, M., Rijsdijk, F., Toulopoulou, T., Fravariti, J., Murray, R., Makeoff, A. and Bramon, R. (2013) Association between the 2-bp deletion polymorphism in the duplicated version of alpha7 nicotinic  receptor gene and P50 sensory gating. European Journal of Human Genetics, 21 pp 76-81

Forrester, A., Exworthy, T., Chao, O., Slade, K. and Parrott, J. (2013) Influencing the care pathway for prisoners with acute mental illness. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 23 pp 217-226

Forrester, A., Exworthy, T., Olumoroti, O., Sessay, M., Parrott, J., Spencer, S. and Whyte, S. (2013) Variations in prison mental health services in England and Wales,. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36 pp 326-332

Frogley, C., Anagnostakis, K., Mitchell, S., Mason, F., Taylor, D., Dickens, G., Picchioni, M. (2013) A case series of clozapine for borderline personality disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 25 pp 125-134

Galappathie, N. and Harsh, R. (2013) Clozapine and refractory diabetes treatment. Journal of Diabetes Nursing, 17 pp 112-5

Galappathie, N., Harsh, R., Begum, A. and Kelly, D. (2013) Patients awareness of the mental health tribunal and capacity to make requests. The Psychiatrist, 37 pp 363-366

Goldberg, X., Alemany, S., Rosa, A., Picchioni, M. et al. (2013) Substantial genetic link between IQ and working memory: implications for molecular genetic studies on schizophrenia. The European Twin Study of Schizophrenia (EUTwinsS). American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 162 pp 413-8

Gralton, E. (2013) Inpatient assessment of young people with developmental disabilities who offend. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 7 pp 108-116

Hallett, N. (2013) What are we doing to de-escalate? Inpatient staff views on de-escalation. In Callaghan, P, Oud, N, Bjorngaard, J et al (eds) Proceedings of the 8th European Congress on Violence in Clinical psychiatry. 

Hallett, N., Huber, J. and Dickens, G. (2013) Patient involvement in planning for the prevention and management of aggression and violence: an audit study. In Callaghan, P, Oud, N, Bjorngaard, J et al (eds) Proceedings of the 8th European Congress on Violence in Clinical psychiatry. 

Harris, S., Oakley, C. and Picchioni, M. (2013) Quantifying Violence in Mental Health Research. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18 pp 695-701undefined

Haw, C., Hawton, K., Niedzwiedz, C. and Platt, S. (2013) Suicide clusters: a review of risk factors and mechanisms. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, 43 pp 97-108

Haw, C., Radley, J. and Cooke, L. (2013) Characteristics of male autistic spectrum patients in low security: are they different from non-autistic low secure patients? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and offending behaviour, 4 (1/2) 24-32

Hawton, K., Casanas, I., Comabella, C., Haw, C., Saunders, K. (2013) Risk factors for suicide in individuals with depression: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 147, pp 17-28

Hawton, K., Saunders, K., Topiwala, A. and Haw, C. (2013) Psychiatric disorders in patients presenting to hospital following self-harm: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151 pp 821-830

Hayward, L., Robertson, N. and Knight C. (2013) Inappropriate sexual behaviour and dementia: An exploration of staff experiences. Dementia, 12 pp 463-480

Jalil, R. (2013) Student Project Feature. In Sutton, R & Douglas, K (eds) Social Psychology. Hampshire: Palgrave Maacmillan

Jenkinson, J., Oakley, C. and Mason, F. (2013) Teamwork: the art of being a leader and a team player. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 19 pp 221-228

Kelbrick, M. (2013) Clinicians as leaders and managers: a practical reality. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment website 25 March 2013

Kelbrick, M., Picchioni, M. (2013) Plasma glucose monitoring in psychiatric in-patients with a primary affective disorder. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 17, pp11-16

Kelbrick, M. and Radley, J. (2013) Forensic rehabilitation in Asperger syndrome: a case report. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and offending behaviour, 4 (1/2) pp 60-64

Kolla, N., Malcolm, C., Attard, S., Atrenovich, T., Blackwood, N. and Hodgkins, S. (2013) Childhood maltreatment and aggressive behaviour in violent offenders with psychopathy. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 58 (8) pp 487-494

Long, C. (2013) Delivering effective cognitive behavioural group treatment for women in secure psychiatric settings. Journal of Forensic Practice, 15, pp 55-67

Long, C., Banyard, E., Fulton, B. and Hollin, C. (2013) Assessment of Fire-Setting to Guide Treatment in Secure Settings: The St Andrew's Fire and Arson Risk Instrument (SAFARI).Clive G Long, Ellen Banyard, Barbara Fulton and Clive, R, Hollin. Developing a Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 

Long, C., Fulton, B. and Dolley, O. (2013) Group treatment for interpersonal effectiveness: a study of women in a medium secure psychiatric hospital. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, 9, pp 27-32

Long, C., Harding, S., Payne, K. and Collins, L. (2013) Nursing and HCA experience of supervision in a medium secure service for women: Implications for service development. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21 (2), pp 154-162.

Long, C., Krawcyk, K., Kenworthy, N. (2013) Assessing the sexual knowledge of women in secure setting: The development of a new screening measure. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41 pp 4-48

Long, C., Fulton, B. and Dolley, O. (2013) Developing social confidence in women in secure settings. Clinical Psychology Forum, 245 pp 32-38

Long, C., Gayton, A. and Rowell, A. (2013) Physical activity in secure psychiatric wards: Development and application of the Active Ward Checklist. Forensic Update, 112 pp 19-27

Long, C., Ritchie, L., Dolley, O. and Collins, L. (2013) Secure psychiatric care: How appearance and neglect affect women. Mental Health Practice, 16 (8) pp 12-17

Long, C., Rowell, A., Rose, C. and Dolley, O. (2013) Are eating disorder patients in secure hospitals getting a fair deal? A survey of the prevalence and nature of the problem. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, 9 pp 40-48

Mason, F. (2013) Medico-legal issues. In Howard, L, Feder, G & Agnew-Davies, R (eds) Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications

Maulik, P., Harbour, C. and McCarthy, J. (2013) Epidemiology. In Tsakanikos, E & McCarthy, J (eds) Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability: Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Murphy, P. and Ajaz, A. (2013) Timeliness of Second Opinion appointed doctors' assessments of treatment plans for patients detained in two medium secure units in London. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 24 (3) pp 181-187. 

Newman, C. and Lander, R. (2013) Assessing occupational change. Occupational Therapy News, 21 (4) pp35

Oakley, C., Jenkinson, J., Oyebode, F. (2013) Psychiatric training for the next generation. The Psychiatrist, 37, pp 25-29

Oakley, C., Mason, F., Delmage, E., Exworthy, T. (2013) A right to be fat? A survey of weight management in medium secure units. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 24, pp 205-214

Oakley, C. and Sugarman, P. (2013) Improve your management skills, improve your clinical service (2013) Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 19 pp 108-114

Oakley, C., West, E. and Jones, I. (2013) Academic training in psychiatry. The Psychiatrist, 37 pp 398-402

O'Shea, L., Mitchell, A., Picchioni, M., Dickens, G. (2013) Moderators of the predictive efficacy of the Historical, Clinical and Risk management-20 for aggression in psychiatric facilities: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18 (2), pp 255-270

Rahman, B., Alderman, N. and Oliver, C. (2013) Use of the structured descriptive assessment to identify possible functions of challenging behaviour exhibited by adults with brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23 (4) 501-527.

Staniforth, C. and Barnes, M. (2013) Transitioning between adolescent and adult mental health services. Frontline Magazine 91 pp 8-9

Sugarman, P., Mitchell, A.E., Frogley, C., Dickens, G., Picchioni, M. (2013) Off-license prescribing and regulation in psychiatry: current challenges require a new model of governance. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 3(4), pp 233-243

Thomas, H. (2013) Autism and offending. In Chaplin, E, Hardy, S & Underwood, L (eds) Autism Spectrum Conditions. Hove: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd.

Tsakanikos, E. and McCarthy, J. (2013) Introduction. In Tsakanikos, E & McCarthy, J (eds) Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability: Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Tsakanikos, E. and McCarthy, J. (2013) Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability: future directions in research and evidence based practice. In Tsakanikos, E. & McCarthy, J. (eds) Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability: Research, Practice and Policy. New York: Springer.

Tyler, N., Gannon, T., Lockerbie, L., King, T., Dickens, G. and De Burca, C.(2013) A firesetting offense chain for mentally disordered offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41 pp 512-530

Tyrer, N., Tebbutt, L. and Adkins, J. (2013) Pilgrimage: Journey to recovery. Resource Group of the College of Health Care Chaplains, Spring 2013 pp 2-6

Underwood, L., Forrester, A., Chaplin, E. and McCarthy, J. (2013) Prisoners with neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and offending behaviour, 4 (1/2) pp 17-23

Wheatley, M., Long, C. and Dolley, O. (2013) Transitions of females from adolescent secure to adult secure services: A qualitative pilot study. Journal of Mental Health, 22 pp 207-217