About this Notice
This notice is part of our layered approach to giving you clarity about how we use personal data.
It explains how we use that information for our sales and marketing activity.
Please also see our general Privacy Notice for further details.
We may collect your personal data from you, the organisation you work for, or from third parties.
This will be when:
- you visit our website;
- you enquire on behalf of your organisation or in a personal capacity about our services;
- you or your organisation provides or offers to provide goods or services to us;
- you communicate with us verbally, in writing, electronically or on paper or any other media;
- you respond to a fund-raising or recruitment initiative
- you make an enquiry or complaint;
- you attend our events; workshops; seminars; family and carer meetings;
- you apply for a job, work-experience or training here;
- you volunteer with us;
- you visit our premises;
- we provide you with health or social care services
- we ask for information from a former employer, government department or agency; another healthcare provider; a local authority; the police and courts; information service provider, mailing list provider or other third party or from public records.
We may collect and use your personal information in order to:
• communicate with you so that we can keep you up-to-date with latest developments; opportunities, events; announcements;
• provide other information about our services and activities as a charity;
• send you details of customer surveys; marketing campaigns, market analysis and other promotional activities;
• understand your preferences so that we can personalise and improve the quality of our communications with you.
We will only provide you with electronic (eg email/text) marketing information after you have opted in to receive those communications (where the law requires us to secure an opt-in) and we will give you the opportunity to opt out easily.
We may send you printed marketing material by post as a necessary part of pursuing our legitimate interests as a charity.
Identity and contact details including your name; email address; telephone number; postal address; job title, role and responsibilities in the organisation; information about your membership of professional bodies and specialist interests.
Business information including information provided in the course of the contractual or professional relationship between you, your organisation and St Andrews; or otherwise voluntarily provided by you or your organisation.
Technical data for which see our Cookie Policy and Website Terms of Use.
Profile and usage data including your preferences in terms of receiving our marketing information and information about how you use our website; information about the interest you may have shown in particular services, specialisms, promotions or events at St Andrews.
Physical access data including images of you and your vehicle and other electronic data relating to your access to our site and individual buildings.
Most of our marketing activity is carried out on the basis that it is a necessary part of pursuing our legitimate business interests as a health care charity and a provider of services to the NHS.
Where we utilise digital media (email/phone/text/fax) for our marketing we will ensure that we have your clear, specific consent to receive marketing by this means.
We will also provide you with an opportunity to ‘unsubscribe’ whenever we contact you in this way.
Using the information enables us to understand your needs, preferences and relationship with St Andrew's and it helps us to ensure we communicate with you more effectively about service developments and events within St Andrew's.
We only keep the personal information about you for the minimum period necessary to enable us to meet the identified business/operational purpose.
Details are set out in our Records Management Procedure.
We will not sell, or licence for commercial purposes, any part of your personal information.
We may use third party processors (including Marketo and Microsoft Dynamics 365) under contractual terms that afford adequate safeguards to your privacy rights. These organisations help us run our marketing and communications systems.
If you have any concerns about what data we use and why please contact the Sales and Marketing Team initially by email at Sales&Marketing@stah.org.
You can also contact the Information Governance Team, headed by the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at Data Protection Officer, St Andrews Healthcare, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5DG. Email: informationgovernanceteam@stah.org.
You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. They have a helpline number which is 0303 123 1113.