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Patient records
Your rights
Under the terms of the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 you have a number of rights in relation to your personal data which are detailed in the Charity’s Patient and Service User Privacy Notice. One of the rights that you have is the right to request a copy of the personal data that the Charity processes about you. You can make this request verbally or in writing by contacting the Health Records Team using the following contact details:
Health Records Office
St Andrew’s Healthcare
Billing Road
Telephone: 01604 616235
We have prepared a Subject Access Request application form to help you.
After completing the Subject Access Request form you will need to provide two forms of proof of identity. See the ID checklist on this page for what you need to provide. Copies will be accepted - please don't send originals. You can post your completed application form and proofs of identity to the Health Records Team.
We aim to comply with requests for access to personal data as quickly as possible. We will ensure that we deal with requests within one calendar month of receipt, unless there is a reason for delay that is justifiable under the law.
If a subject access request is made and the request for access is thought to be unfounded or excessive, or if you ask for more than one copy of the information we may ask you pay a fee to cover the costs.
To gain access to staff information please contact the Human Resources Department: Tel: 01604 646587 or email us.
When requesting information, if you need it in a certain format please let us know.