A unique training experience

We offer hands-on clinical experience within highly specialist services and clinical teams. St Andrew's is ideally placed to offer niche training options not widely available elsewhere, such as women's services, learning disability, specialist neuropsychiatry, Psychiatry Intensive Care (PICU), Huntington’s disease wards, brain injury and a secure deaf service. 

St Andrew’s also provides training in areas such as research, management experience and service development.  We have active audit and research departments who can support you to undertake relevant projects.

You will be working in a not-for-profit, charitable environment, acquiring skills and experiences that add value if returning to the NHS post-training.

As a GMC approved site for higher specialty training, we collaborate with Postgraduate schools of medicine and psychiatry and Training Schemes around the country to ensure that clinical training at St Andrew’s integrates with and enhances your NHS training. All our trainers are up to date with modern assessment methods.

If you'd like an informal chat or would like to visit one of our sites, please get in touch.


“I would recommend St Andrew’s to anyone; my elective has helped me to reflect on psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.”

Robyn, Stage 2 student from Cambridge University

Flexible, varied opportunities

We don't rely on trainees for service provision, so we are flexible in the placements we can offer, allowing you to prioritise your training needs. All of our placements support trainees in less than full time or flexible training. We offer:

Medical student placements: in support of your psychiatry module or simply to gain experience in specialist areas of psychiatry. Currently we provide regular placements for medical students from the Universities of Cambridge and Buckingham, and Physician Associate students from De Montford University.  However, we are open to discussions about opportunities for students from other medical schools.  Please do contact the Medical Education Centre for an informal chat.

Medical student electives: for UK and overseas students; tailored to the individual's needs.

Taster sessions for Foundation Year Doctors: in academic psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, psychiatry of intellectual disability, rehabilitation psychiatry

Core and Specialty Trainees: We can offer core and speciality training clinical experience in forensic psychiatry. 

Special Interest Sessions:  All of our Consultant Psychiatrists are happy to supervise special interest placements on a block or sessional basis.


Clinical Teaching Fellowships
The Clinical Teaching Fellowships are bespoke posts, tailored to interests and career intentions and are for doctors who have completed foundation training and/or core trainees (psychiatry, paediatrics, medicine, acute care or general practice). Four sessions are protected for educational activity and six for clinical activity, with regular, consistent supervision and mentoring, covering both elements.

You will be actively involved in supporting medical student placements, delivering lectures and providing clinical supervision. One day per week will focus on ward based teaching with small groups of students. The second day may be spent delivering lectures to small groups of medical students or on project work, linked to areas of interest. You will be fully supported to undertake a funded Pg.Cert in Medical Education. Clinical work is within one of our specialist services. These posts are advertised from March for commencement in August on our recruitment pages and are fixed term contracts for one year.

Medical specialty training

We support and complement the NHS in training future consultant psychiatrists, whilst staying true to public sector principles.  St Andrew’s offers a good representation of trainers who can support all aspects of the curriculum.