Our current research programme

The centre has a thriving and growing programme that seeks to improve our understanding of the impact of trauma and of the experiences and outcomes of people who come into contact with services. Our current programme represents a number of key strands of trauma research and service development that encompasses systemic, staff and service user needs.  In order to ensure that our research meets the diverse needs of hetrogeneous populations we have adopted a mainstreaming approach, whereby the four key intersections of gender, ethnicity, age and neurotypical status are reflected and considered within the research cycle and process. 

We frequently collaborate with universities and charities in the development and delivery of our programmes, including undertaking invited pieces of work. 

2024-2025 Conference Papers and Posters

Morris, D. J., (2025) Repositioning healthcare leadership in ethical and moral frameworks [oral paper]. University of Manchester Moral Harm project conference, London, March. 

Morris, D. J., & Karatzias, T. (2024) Working with overlapping ICD-11 CPTSD and Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder presentations, [oral paper] 7th Congress of the European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (ESSPD), Antwerp, Belgium. 

Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., Hamilton, A., Baker, K., Howkins, C., McCarthy, E., & Wainwright, J. (2024). Developing guidance for meeting the needs of deaf people exposed to trauma: Results of an international Delphi study. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Cardiff, UK.

Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2024) “It’s not trauma, it’s karma”: Clinician perceptions and clinical practice in assessing PTSD arising from own actions [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Cardiff, UK.

Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., Taylor, V., & McGrath, E. (2024). Comorbid pathologies and risk. [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Cardiff, UK.

Webb, E. L., Umpunjun, P., & Morris, D. J. (2024) Trauma in male prison populations: Are we asking the right questions? [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Cardiff, UK.

Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L., Hamilton, A., & Baker, K. (2024). The relationship between risk and trauma: Does measuring trauma inflate risk? [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Cardiff, UK.

2024-2025 Publications


Publications Archive


  • Webb, E. L., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., Keaveny, G., & Morris, D. J. (2024). Is trauma research neglecting neurodiverse populations? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of ACEs in adults with autistic traits?. Advances in Autism.   
  • Umpunjun, P., Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2024). Prevalence of types of adverse childhood experiences in incarcerated males: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology, Crime & Law. 
  • Webb, E. L., Baker, K., Morris, D. J., Nawab, Z., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., Worsfold, J. & Hamilton, A. (2023). Leaving the past behind: Exploring the adverse childhood experiences of males detained to a secure Deaf service. Journal of Forensic Psychology, Research and Practice.
  • Webb, E. L., Ireland, J. L., Lewis, M., & Morris, D. (2023). Sources of moral injury for healthcare workers in forensic and psychiatric settings: A systematic review and meta-ethnography. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.
  • Morris D., Hamilton, A., Webb., E. L., & Baker K. (2024) International consensus guidance for meeting the trauma needs of deaf people, [oral presentation]. 1st International Meeting trauma needs in secure settings Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, March, United Kingdom.
  • Webb, E., L & Morris D. (2024) Attitudes towards disclosure of childhood trauma in males with forensic and mental health needs: Part one of a multi-phase investigation  [oral presentation] 1st International Meeting trauma needs in secure settings  Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, March, United Kingdom.
  • Webb E. L, Baker. K, Morris. D., Nawab. Z, Gencarelli. B, Worsfold. J, & Hamilton. A. (2024) Leaving the past behind, Exploring the adverse childhood experiences of males detained to a secure specialist deaf inpatient mental health service: [oral presentation] 1st International Meeting trauma needs in secure settings  Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, March, United Kingdom.
  • McGrath, E., Taylor, V., Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. (2023). Examining the impact of comorbid complex PTSD and EUPD on risk incidents within a female inpatient DBT service. [Poster]. 4th International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.
  • Webb, E. L., Morris, D., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., & Worsfold, J. (2024). The differential and accumulative impacts of self and other sources of moral injury on wellbeing in healthcare. International of Workplace Health Management.
  • Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Umpunjun, P., Fox, E., Dickens, A., Leeson, A., Sadler, E., Lupattelli Gencarelli, B., Taylor, V., McAllister, P., & Karatzias, K. (2023). The critical role of affect regulation accounting for increased general distress, risk to self, and lower quality of life in females with EUPD and CPTSD, compared to EUPD alone. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.
  • Dean, W., Morris D., Manzur M, & Talbot S (2024). Moral Injury in Healthcare: A unified definition and its relationship to burnout, Federal Practitioner.
  • Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Dean, W., & Kamath, S. (in submission). Looking beyond the frontline: Senior healthcare leaders’ personal, professional and psychological experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. International Journal of Workplace Health Management.
  • Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., Plant, K., Loganathan, L., & Khan, M. (in submission). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Moral Injury Exposure and Symptom Scale-Civilian in secure mental healthcare workers. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice.
  • Taylor, J. & Hocken, K. (2024) Illuminating the Dark Side: Life story and formulation work to understand criminogenic capacities and human harmfulness. Abuse: An International Impact Journal, 5(1).  
  • Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2023). Paradigms and sources of distress in male healthcare workers: Understanding trauma through a gendered lens. [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Belfast, UK.
  • Childs, L., Worsfold, J., Webb, E. L., Cobden, C., & Morris, D. J. (2023). Traumatic brain injury screening in male forensic services: Results of a service development initiative. [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Belfast, UK.
  • Yemane, F., Fox, A., & Morris, D. J. (2023). Black men speak: Making sense of trust before admission into a secure mental healthcare service. [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Belfast, UK. 
  • Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2023). Disclosing childhood trauma: Attitudes and experiences of males who have disclosed to a professional. [Paper]. Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, British Psychological Society, Belfast, UK. 
  • Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2023). To the core: Transcontextual systemic interventions for the prevention and management of occupational moral injury [Paper]. Comprehensive Moral Injury Conference, Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Seattle, USA.
  • Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2023). On the outside looking in: The potentially morally injurious experiences of healthcare leadership personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic [Paper]. Comprehensive Moral Injury Conference, Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Seattle, USA.
  • Webb, E. L., Ireland, J. L., Lewis, M., & Morris, D. J. (2023). From exposure to injury: Developmental-cognitive mechanisms underlying the development of moral injury in secure healthcare workers. [Paper]. 3rd International Moral Injury in Occupational Settings Conference, St Andrew’s Healthcare, Northampton, United Kingdom. 
  • Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2023). Foci of responsibility: Exploring the differential prevalence and impact of moral transgressions by the self and others [Paper]. Comprehensive Moral Injury Conference, Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, Seattle, USA.



Morris, D.J., Webb, E. L., Worsfold, J., & Greenwood, A. (2023). Exploring the psychosocial and wellbeing needs of staff who accesses trauma support in secure mental health services: Relations with demographic, occupational and trauma event characteristics  International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.

Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., Sadler, E*., Macmillan, S*., Trowell, S*., & Legister, A. (2023). Predictors of moral injury in secure mental healthcare workers: Examining a role for violence and restrictive practices through an intersectional lens. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/24732850.2022.2164538

Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2022). Social identity theories. In J. Harvey & D. Ambrose (Eds.), Social Psychology in Forensic Practice. London: Routledge.

Webb, E. L., Worsfold, J., Morris, D. J., & Greenwood, A. (2022). The psychological impact of traumatic incidents in mental health workers: Levels of shame and guilt in referrals to a staff trauma support service. [Poster] 3rd Intetnational Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Taylor, V., Campbell, L., Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., Loxley, G., Mitchell, T., Reynolds, K., & Holmes, J. (2022). International trauma questionnaire (ITQ) and impact on service delivery: The first 18 months. [Poster] 3rd Intetnational Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma & Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2022). Exploring inpatient admissions and clinical needs through an intersectional lens: The differential experiences of gendered ethnic groups. [Paper presentation]. Division of Clinical Psychology Annual BPS Conference, United Kingdom

Morris, D. J., & Webb, E. L. (2022). Trauma and wellbeing profiles of healthcare professionals in psychiatric services in the UK: Implications and recommendations. [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Trauma and Mental Health, Jerusalem, Israel.

Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., & Fox, E. (2022). Elevated distress and risk, and reduced quality of life in women with with comorbid complex PTSD and emotionally unstable personality disorder. [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Trauma and Mental Health, Jerusalem, Israel. 

Webb, E. L., Ireland, J. L., Lewis, M., & Morris, D. J. (2022). When you can't let your conscience by your guide: A Delphi study of morally injurious experiences in secure psychiatric settings. [Poster presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany. 

Webb, E. L., Ireland, J. L., Lewis, M., & Morris, D. J. (2022). Potential sources of moral injury for healthcare professionals in forensic and psychiatric services: A systematic literature review and meta-ethnography. [Poster presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany. 

Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2022). What are we really measuring with the HoNOS in forensic settings? Exploring its structure through confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. [Poster presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany. 

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., & Fox, E. (2022). Addressing the trauma in the room: The differential trauma needs of women with comorbid EUPD and complex PTSD in secure services. [Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany. 

Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2022). Re-traumatisation: The impacts of placement breakdowns in care for adolescents with developmental disorders[Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany. 

Steen, S*., & Morris, D. J. (2022). The prevalence and clinical impact of moral injury in UK secure care settings. [Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany. 

Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., & Sibley, V. (2022). Reconsidering frameworks for trauma in healthcare professionals: The impact of exposure to violence and restrictive practices. Theoretical and support implications. [Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany

Umpunjun, P*., Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2022). Exposure to trauma in childhood amongst male forensic populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [Poster presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany

Umpunjun, P*., Webb, E. L., & Morris, D. J. (2022). Prevalence of exposure to childhood trauma in male prisoners: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [Poster presentation]. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Berlin, Germany


Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., & Devlin, P. (2022). Moral injury in secure mental healthcare part II: Exposure to, and impact of potentially morally injurious events in professionals in secure services. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/14789949.2022.2111319 

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Trundle, G., & Caetano, G*. (2022). Moral injury in forensic mental healthcare part I: Exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency of the Moral Injury Events Scale. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/14789949.2022.2111318

Owczarek, M., Karatzias, T., McElroy, E., Hyland, P., Cloitre, M., Kratzer, L., Knefel, M., Grandison, G., Ho, G. W. K., Morris, D., & Shevlin, M. (2022). Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and complex post traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD): A network analysis in a highly traumatised clinical sample. Journal of Personality Disorders, 4. 

Webb, E. L., Morris, D., Watson, E., Fox, E., Sibley, V., & Taylor, V. (2022). Which complex PTSD symptoms predict functional impairment in females with comorbid personality disorder needs? Research and treatment implications. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejtd.2022.100285 


Webb, E. L., Ireland, J. L., Lewis, M., & Morris, D. (2022). Sources of moral injury in secure psychiatric healthcare: A meta-ethnography [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Moral Injury in Occupational Settings Conference, British Psychological Society Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Section and St Andrew’s Healthcare, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Steen, S*. (2022). The prevalence of moral injury and its clinical associations in a UK secure care population: Interim results, [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Moral Injury in Occupational Settings Conference, British Psychological Society Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Section and St Andrew’s Healthcare, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Webb, E. L., Morris, D., Hamer, A*., Davies, J*. (2021). Trauma and institutional risk in a secure developmental disorder service: Does the SAVRY inflate risk in adolescents exposed to ACEs? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour. 

Reynolds, K., Holmes, J., Morris, D., & Fox E. (2021). Service user and staff perspectives of the implementation of a trauma-informed assessment in an Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder inpatient population. Clinical Psychology Forum, 347, 61-66.

De La Rue, L., Keating, F., Gibbs, D., Currie, S., & Morris, D. (2021). Improving inclusion in trauma research and practice [Round table discussion]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Harding, R*., Webb, E. L., & Mattacola, E. (2021). Exploring trauma symptomology and physical health profiles, and their relative associations, in a female inpatient EUPD population [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Greenwood, A., Steen, S*., & Ma, K*. (2021). Gendered pathways to moral injury in mental health practitioners: Practice and support implications [Paper presentation]. Comprehensive Moral Injury Conference, Moral Injury Support Network for Servicewomen, USA, Seattle. 


Sibley, V., Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., & Perry, D. (2021). The relationship between social support and engagement in physical restraint, and its effect on staff wellbeing and functioning [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Umpunjun, P*., Webb, E. L., Leeson, A., & Fox, E. (2021). A CORE focus for services: The impact of complex trauma on the clinical needs of women with EUPD in an inpatient DBT unit [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Umpunjun, P*., Webb, E. L., Dickens, A., & Fox, E. (2021). Complex PTSD: Examining the impact on quality of life in female inpatients with emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Umpunjun, P*., & Webb, E. L. (2021). Exposure to trauma in childhood among adult male prison and forensic populations: A systematic review. [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Webb, E. L., Baker, K., Sibley, V., Lukes, R., Nawab, Z., Platt, M., Ellerby, K., Umpunjun, P*., Harding, R*., Farthing, S., & Hamilton, A. (2021). Leaving the past behind: Exploring and expanding the ACE framework within a secure deaf mental health population [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Webb, E. L., Hamer, A*., & Davies, J*. (2021). Playing the ACE: Does the SAVRY inflate risk in adolescents with developmental disorders exposed to childhood trauma? [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Trauma Informed Care in Practice Conference, Crisis Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society, Northampton, United Kingdom. 

Morris, D. J. (2021). Are intellectual disabilities an intersection of exclusion in trauma policy, guidance and research? [Guest Editorial] Trauma and Intellectual Disabilities [Special Edition], Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 15(5), 153-157.   

Webb, E. L., Greenwood, A., Hamer, A*., & Sibley, V. (2021). Profiling referrals to a trauma support service: Needs and outcomes for staff working in a secure adult developmental disorder pathway. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 15(5), 209-221. 

Webb, E. L., Lamplough, H*., & Morris, D. J. (2021). A differential pathway into secure care: Compulsory care orders as a marker of elevated adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in adolescents with a developmental disorder. Clinical Psychology Forum342, 24-29. 

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Foster-Davies, L., Parmar, E., Gibbs, D., Wallang, P., & Shaddel, F. (2021). Ethnic disparity in the use of the Mental Health Act with adolescents with developmental disorders at the point of admission into secure services: The outcomes of a pilot reviewThe Journal of Forensic Practice, 23(3), 240-253.

Webb, E. L., Moffatt, A*.Morris, D. J., & Sati, F. (2021). Untangling the relationship between early adversity, placement breakdowns, and obesity in a secure adolescent developmental disorder service: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Disability and Health, 14(4). 

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Fox, E., Holmes, J., Reynolds, K., Head, M., Lunn, A*., Canterbury, R., McAllister, P.L., Dionelis, K., & Kamath, S. (2021). Examining the prevalence of complex PTSD in an inpatient DBT service for females with a primary diagnosis of EUPD. Abuse, 2(1).


Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Fox, E., & Sibley, V. (2021). Which complex PTSD symptoms predict functional impairment in females with comorbid EUPD? [Poster presentation]. Trauma and Complex PTSD Lecture Series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. 

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., & Greenwood, A. (2021). Trauma-informed care for healthcare professionals: Features risk factors and intervention approaches for secondary trauma. [Paper presentation]. Trauma and Complex PTSD Lecture Series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. 

Webb, E. L., Sibley, V., & Morris, D. J. (2021). Compulsory care orders are a red flag for higher levels of adversity and risk of obesity in developmental disorder adolescent inpatient populations [Poster presentation]. Trauma and Complex PTSD Lecture Series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. 

Webb, E. L., Morris, D. J., Fox, E., & Kamath, S. (2021). The importance of measuring functional impairment in the assessment of PTSD and CPTSD [Poster presentation]. Trauma and Complex PTSD Lecture Series, Italian Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and TraumaLivingLab, Rome, Italy. 

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Stewart, I., Galsworthy, J., & Wallang, P. (2021) Comparing co-production approaches to dynamic risk assessments in a forensic intellectual disability population: Outcomes of a clinical pilotJournal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, early cite.

Morris, D.J., Webb, E.L., (2021), Understanding multiple inequalities and trauma needs through a gendered lens: The case for inclusive gendered approaches to trauma informed care. In P. Mullen (Ed.) The Knot: Responding to Poverty, Trauma & Multiple Disadvantage, Revolving Doors Agency, London.

Morris D, J. & Beber, E. (2020). Developmental Trauma and Intellectual Disability: A question of causality? Oral paper presented at Trauma informed Care in practice conference, British Psychological Society, November, Northampton

Greenwood, A., Webb, E. L., & Lunn, A.* (2020). Trauma Response Service: Who accesses and why? Oral paper presented at Trauma Informed Care in Practice, British Psychological Society, November, Northampton. 

Lunn, A.*, Holmes, J., Reynolds, K., & Fox, E. (2020). The relationship between ICD-11 CPTSD symptomology and functional impairment in an EUPD inpatient population. Poster presented at Trauma informed Care in practice conference, British Psychological Society, November, Northampton.

Moffatt, A*., Webb, E.L. & Parmar, E. (2020). The relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Placement Breakdown and BMI in Adolescent Secure inpatient populations with Developmental disorders. Poster presented at Trauma Informed Care in Practice conference, British Psychological Society, November, Northampton.

Reynolds, K., Holmes, J., Lunn, A*., & Baggott, J. (2020). Patient and staff perspectives of the implementation of a trauma-informed assessment in an EUPD inpatient population. Poster presented at Trauma Informed Care in Practice conference, British Psychological Society, November, Northampton.

Lunn, A*., Holmes, J., Reynolds, K., & Baggott, J. (2020). The prevalence of ICD-11 PTSD and CPTSD in an EUPD inpatient population. Poster presented at Trauma Informed Care in Practice conference, British Psychological Society, November, Northampton.

Morris, D. J., Webb, E. L., Dionelis, K., Parmar, E., & Wallang, P. (2020). Adverse Childhood Experiences and their relationship to BMI in a developmental disorder adolescent population. Abuse: An International Impact Journal, Vol. 1, No.2.

Morris D. J., Webb, E. L., Parmar, E., Trundle, G., & McLean, A. (2020) Troubled beginnings: The Adverse Childhood Experiences and placement histories of a detained adolescent population with Developmental Disorders. Advances in Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 14, No. 6.

Morris D, J., Camden-Smith, C. & Batten, R., (2020) Self-reported experiences of Intimate Partner Violence in a Female forensic ID population". Advances in Mental health and Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 1-13.


* volunteer or student on placement with the CDCT


Morris D, J., Shergill S. & Beber, E (2019). Developmental trauma in a forensic intellectual disability populationJournal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 11(1), 35-48.

Morris, D, J., (2018) ‘Developmental Trauma in LD forensic services: The hidden epidemic’, Invited Oral Paper presented at the Complex Trauma Conference, British Psychological Society, January, Northampton. 


Morris D, J., & Camden-Smith C., (2107) Adaptation or Adherence in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for the Learning Disability Population: The clinical outcomes of an Adherent approach. Oral paper at the International XVII Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Split, Croatia, June.

Morris D, J., & Taylor, J. (2017) It takes one to know one…embracing patient knowledge of risk and restrictive practices. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Manchester, April.

Morris D, J. (2016) Forensic services for LD populations in the UK.  Paper presented at the International XVI Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, New York, USA. June.

Morris D, J., Beber, E Shergill S. (2016) Prevalence of Developmental Trauma Disorder in secure forensic Learning Disability Services. Paper presented at the International XVI Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, New York, USA. June.

Morris D, J., Beber, E Hancock -Johnson. (2016) Assessing Autism and ADHD in women with complex co morbid mental health, forensic and developmental disorder needs Paper presented at the International XVI Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, New York, USA. June.

Morris D, J., Beber, E Shergill S. (2016) Developmental Trauma and Developmental Trauma Disorder in secure forensic Intellectual Disability Services. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Manchester, April.

Batten R., Morris D, J., & Gray, N. (2016) Gender Symmetry of aggressive behaviour in an inpatient forensic Intellectual Disability Service. Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Manchester, April.

Batten R., Morris D, J., & Gray, N. (2016) Gender Symmetry of sexual behaviour in an inpatient forensic Intellectual Disability Service. Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Manchester, April.

Morris D, J., Camden-Smith C., & Jackson, N., & Brewer, R., (2016) The prevalence & nature of experienced and perpetrated IPV in women with an ID detained in secure forensic services Oral Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Manchester, April.

Hancock-Johnson, E., Keirle, E., Brewenn, R., & Morris D, J. (2016) The clinical utility of a 'Coping Skills Practice Group' for women with Intellectual Disabilities detained in a secure forensic inpatient setting. Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Manchester, April.


Morris, D. J., & Fox, E. (2015) Adherence or Adaptation? A systematic review of the literature for DBT in specialist populations, Oral paper presented at the SfDBT conference, Dublin, December.

Morris, D. J. & Gray N., (2015) Enhancing motivation and reducing barriers to engagement in DBT at the pre commitment stage of therapy, oral paper presented at the SfDBT conference, Dublin, December.

Morris D, J. & Gray, N. (2015) Increasing knowledge of Personality Disorders in detained women with an Intellectual Disability, Journal of intellectual disabilities and offending behaviour, 6, 1, 23-32.

Morris D, J. & Beber, E (2015) The Impact of stabilisation therapies on IQ and cognitive functioning: Themes and possibilities. Paper presented at the International XV Annual Meeting & Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Manchester. June.

Morris D, J. & Kenworthy, N. (2015) Increasing knowledge of personality disorders and developing recognition of personal strengths: a psycho-education programme on personality disorders for adults with mild learning disabilities. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Leeds, April.

Morris D, J.  Beber, E., Keirle, E., & Wallang, P. (2015) Assessing autism and ADHD in women with complex co morbid mental health, forensic and developmental disorder needs:  the first 15 months of a neurodevelopmental disorder assessment clinic. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Leeds, April.

Morris D, J, Camden-Smith C., & Brewer, R., (2015) Use of the Conflict Tactics scale version 2 in women with a learning disability admitted to secure services. Poster presented at the RCPsych Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry Annual Conference, Budapest, March.

Morris, D. J., Tompkins, K., & Brandon, Z. (2014) Adapting the delivery of DBT for Women with intellectual disability, personality disorder and ADHD. Poster presented at the SfDBT conference, London, December.

Morris, D. J., Brewer, R., & Keirle, E. (2014) Decreasing risk and increasing adaptive pro social behaviour: Outcomes of a Pilot group in a specialist Women’s Learning Disability Service. Poster presented at the SfDBT conference, London, December.

Morris, D. J. & Beber, E (2014). Trauma, stabilisation & cognitive functioning in women with an intellectual disability: A case series demonstrating the impact of DBT on WAIS-IV scores. Poster presented at the SfDBT conference, London, December.

Morris, D. J. & Beber, E (2014) Does stabilization have an impact on IQ in women with a developmental disorder, personality disorder and a traumatic history? Poster presented at the 13th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with a Learning and/or Developmental Disability, Newcastle, April.


Morris, D. J. & Beber, E. (2013) Applying Neurodevelopmental Principles to Account for the Efficacy of DBT:  The impact of DBT and stabilization on IQ and cognitive functioning, Paper presented at the iSfDBT conference, London, November.

Morris, D. J. & Cooper, L. (2013) Initial outcomes of a specialist Learning Disability inpatient forensic service, Paper presented at the inaugural SfDBT conference, London, November.

Morris, D. J. Cooper, L., Beber, E, Tompkins, K., & Chinnock, B. (2013) St Andrews Women’s Service Learning Disability pathway, Northampton: Review of the first 8 months of a DBT programme in an inpatient Forensic Learning Disability service. Poster presented at the inaugural SfDBT conference, London, November.

Morris, D. J (2013) Theoretical Models of Female Sexual Offending, Paper presented at the East of England Academic Forum, Newmarket, September.

Morris, D. J., Woodhams, J., & Dickens G. (2013) The predictive Validity of the START in a female forensic inpatient population.  Does the START predict institutional aggression? Paper presented at the Division of Forensic Psychology, BPS National Conference, Belfast, June.


Morris, D. J. (2011) ‘Living with a Personality disorder’. Facilitator Manual, St Andrews Healthcare, UK.

Morris, D. J. (2011) ‘Living with a Personality disorder’ service user workbook, St Andrews Healthcare, UK. 

Morris, D. J., & Fox, E. (2011) Working therapeutically with Older People with Personality Disorders. Oral Paper presented at the Essentials for Older Adults Series. Andrew Sims Centre – Leeds. October

Morris, D. J. (2009) Older People and Personality Disorders: Assessment and Intervention considerations. PSIGE Newsletter, 108, 4-10.

Morris, D. J. (2007) “Using health psychology models to inform formulations of capacity” paper presented at the British Psychological Society National Flag Ship Conference. “Theoretically driven approaches to the Mental Capacity Act 2007”. London, BPS.