We host high quality clinically focused events delivered by international experts that change clinical practice

Throughout the year, the Centre hosts numerous conferences, bringing together expertise from practitioners, academics and researchers. We run conferences on wide range of topics, and these include:

  • ‘Trauma-Informed Care in Practice’ - an annual international conference which focuses on developing knowledge and informing clinical practice for practitioners working with people with histories of complex and multiple trauma.
  • ‘Working with Moral Injury in Healthcare Settings’ – a one-day event exploring the conceptual and clinical issues of ‘moral injury’, discussing current evidence and examples of good practice.
  • 'Meeting trauma needs in secure care services' - a one-day event focusing on trauma needs in secure mental health services, and effectively addressing such needs and their important implications for treatment efficacy and outcomes.

For further information about our conferences programme and how to register to attend, please visit: 

Research Skills Workshops 

In May 2022, the Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma launched a series of ten research skills workshops available to clinicians and those with an interest in research within the Charity. The workshops cover a wide range of research methodologies and skills relevant to conducting service development and evaluation projects, as well as research, in clinical settings. The events have a strong ‘learning through practice’ focus to ensure that skills can be translated into the workplace.

We have since broadened the scope of our workshops which are now open to individual's from outside of St Andrew's. These events are tailored to a range of competencies and audiences, including clinicians (pre-qualified and qualified), academics, and undergraduate and postgraduate students. Full details of each workshop can be found in the brochure below, and the booking form is also available for download. 

Book a workshop

Concession tickets are available for students in full-time education. If purchasing a concession ticket, please book using your university email address and indicate this on the Booking Form. The Booking Form must be emailed at the time of payment. 

Paying by Debit/Credit Card                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We use PayPal to process debit/credit card payments but you do not need a PayPal Account to pay this way.  Please use the Guest Checkout Option if you do not have a PayPal Account or do not wish to use your personal PayPal Account.

  • Step 1 - Complete a Booking Form and email it to CDCT@stah.org
  • Step 2 - Make your payment using one of the appropriate PayPal links provided below

Paying by Invoice

  • Step 1 - Complete a Booking Form and email it to CDCT@stah.org
  • Step 2 - Purchase Orders to be made payable to St Andrew’s Healthcare, Billing Road, Northampton NN1 5DG and emailed directly to CDCT@stah.org. Please mark for the attention of Dr Deborah Morris.  

What is a purchase order?  If you’ve not arranged this before, a purchase order (PO) is a document that the buyer sends to a supplier with a request for products or services. Each PO will include a number for tracking the purchase order through the system, as well as the type of item, quantity, and agreed price. Your finance team will be able to provide this document for you. Your place on the course cannot be confirmed until a valid PO is received.

Paying by Cheque 

  • Step 1 - Complete a Booking Form and post it along with your cheque to Dr Deborah Morris, Academic Centre, St Andrew's Healthcare, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5DG. 
  • Step 2 - Cheques to be made payable to St Andrew’s Healthcare

Ticket Prices

Individual Courses



Introduction to R (1 day option)* - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Introduction to R (1 day option)* - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Introduction to R (2 day option) - Standard 


 PayPal Button 1

Introduction to R (2 day option) - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Factor Analysis in R (1 day option)* - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Factor Analysis in R (1 day option)* - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Factor Analysis in R (2 day option) - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Factor Analysis in R (2 day option) - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Statistics in Clinical Settings (1 day option)* - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Statistics in Clinical Settings (1 day option)* - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Statistics in Clinical Settings (2 day option) - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Statistics in Clinical Settings (2 day option) - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Conducting Delphi Studies - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Conducting Delphi Studies - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Conducting Systematic Reviews - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Conducting Systematic Reviews - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Meta-Analysis of Prevalence (1 day option)* - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Meta-Analysis of Prevalence (1 day option)* - Concession


PayPal Button 1

Meta-Analysis of Prevalence (2 day option) - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

Meta-Analysis of Prevalence (2 day option) - Concession


PayPal Button 1





'Statistics in R' - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

'Statistics in R' - Concession 


PayPal Button 1

'Evidence Synthesis' - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

'Evidence Synthesis' - Concession


PayPal Button 1

'Comprehensive Clinical Research Skills' - Standard


 PayPal Button 1

'Comprehensive Clinical Research Skills' - Concession


PayPal Button 1


* Please note: When booking the one-day option of a course, please indicate on your booking form which session you will be attending (Part I or Part II)

** Students in full-time education are eligible for concession prices. Concession tickets must be booked using a valid university email address.